Contrary to popular belief, I am still alive. Though the last two weeks (has it really been two weeks since I've been around?) were something to say the least. I've spent them in bed, recovering from a nasty chest cold, or busy with the school work I fell behind on. I'm not sure how I made it, but I'm finally on study week, and I just have a little longer to wait until I'm on a nice long break from school. I finished all of my work for journalism and my part and presentation for politics. All that remains is to study for the microeconomics and politics exams on Tuesday. Which I haven't had a chance to do much of.
Since being sick, I've been nagged by various sources to go and see a doctor, and I finally did, today. Well, I made the appointment last week after finding out my health insurance was going though interesting issues. Other than a painful drawing of my blood (mention you have anemia and they pounce you with needles =/ ) my visit went well enough. I was even given a nice long supply of medication (with 5 refills on prescriptions) for my allergies, and nasal spray. Sweet, sweet nasal spray, how I've missed you so much! I also found out why I've been getting sick lately as well, it's the stress and allergies. The allergies make it easier for me to become infected, and the stress from school and work weaken my immune system. Combine that with not getting enough sleep and being around people who are also sick, and I end up with multiple colds. Since I've been getting more sleep I've been much better.
Other than school, I've been getting more time in at work. Right now it has only been in the form of Sunday work, but I hope to start a doing double shifts twice a week when school is out. With a start of 9:30am on some days, that's a lot of hours, and extra money that I could use.
Its also been snowing around here too. I can't say if I really like it that much. It's always nice to look at, but I've found trying to drive in it to be a challenge. It started snowing on Monday night, and I had a very slow drive home with my car occasionally wanting to fish-tail on me. Despite the light dusting (about 2 or 3 inches) it still took me a while to brush off my car and dig out on Tuesday morning. While brushing the car once, the logo fell off the grille and I was disheartened. Oddly enough it went right back on without a problem, and the snow around the car hardened into ice, keeping it in place. While trying not to be late for microeconomics (journalism was canceled), I took a partially frozen side street. That's when I encountered ice and slid right through a stop sign while trying to stop. O_o
As much as I'd like to say I've been keeping up with entries, I haven't been around for two weeks. So if I have no idea what's going on, um don't fault me for anything. I did receive Christmas cards from some people already and I hope to be able to do my own again this year. I'm not promising anything though.