Jul 21, 2007 00:03
was suppose to blog this long ago.... but i thought i still have to do it.
When one is pregnant, we must encourage, give advises, share ideals, give a helping hands, give seats...etc..
However, i noticed there are some people who would make discouraging remakes to would-be -parents..
here are a few examples...
- take care on your own? get a maid lah.. u would nto be able to cope..u sue u can handle without a maid?
-it going to be painful when u go labour.... sure ahh..mine was horrible...
-she so small...must feed her more..if not she will have trouble giving birth...(she DId!!)
-after giving brith sure get depression...every women got it..so u better be prepared..or at least let ur hubby get ready...(WTF!!)
-dun expect to have free time for weekend and movies... you would not have the time anymore..
-friends would claimed you be so busy at home...they would avoid calling you out.. (pregnant woman actually needs more walking)
there are more...but I can't remember now...cos all they said are quite rubbish...and we are very happy with what we are now