I've started leaving my laptop at home and my cell phone in my car (too paranoid about accidents/getting stranded to not have my cell while I'm out). Also, my new bag/purse thing is big enough that I can carry a schoolbook around. So my load is a lot lighter, and without electronics, I focus more on the reading. It's helped a lot, but it does mean that my internet habits have changed, so I tend to focus on updating my academic blog rather than livejournal. So that's why I'm not updating as much.
I avoided telling my parents anything during the whole depression episode (am I over it? hard to tell. I feel better, though). On Wednesday, however, I came home completely elated over the fact that I finally got that seven-page paper done. I'm pretty certain I completely half-assed studying for the geography test in order to get that shit done. But I got that paper done.
I arrived home in time to eat dinner with them. When they asked how school was going, my geography test was still fresh in my mind, not to mention the depression, and I broke down and cried and said that I was doing terribly, that I was failing all of my classes and that I was never going to be a history teacher. It caught my parents completely off guard and all they could do was bluster that everything was going to work out fine, you'll see.
I've decided not to try to minor in classics. Just...not even bother. I have three classes to take for it, but eh.
So I have three semesters left, and twenty-one classes to take. Okay, scratch that. There's ten classes that I need in order to graduate, and eleven endorsement classes that I need to be eligible as a social studies teacher for secondary education. Now, a smart student would try to knock those out of the way during her undergrad, right?
Obviously. It occurred to me that I actually have five semesters -- I can part-time it during the summer. It will mean more student debt, so I'm hesitant, but...well, maybe I'll confirm all this with an education adviser, but this is what I'm thinking.
Summer 2012:
Low-level government class (e)
Low-level economics class (e)
Fall 2012:
English 300
History 302
Latin 201
Low-level government class (e)
Low-level geography class (e)
Spring 2013:
Philosophy course (gen ed)
Latin 202
American History course (300+)
Low-level government class (e)
Low-level geography class (e)
Summer 2013:
Low-level government class (e)
Low-level economics class (e)
Fall 2013:
History 499
Early China
History Elective (300+)
Low-level government class (e)
Low-level geography class (e)
*graduate in December*
Wait...I need to put another 300+ level history course in there...and I'll have one government course missing...hmm...