More fic rec to come soon...

Mar 23, 2012 23:56

Gah, I let work take over my life and haven't been posting any fic recs here for the past month.  But BELIEVE YOU ME that doesn't mean I haven't been finding and reading more awesome Sherlock fic. Holy shit, have I been finding it.  I can't even understand how this many brilliant writers have found their way to the Sherlock fandom and have been happily creating ridiculous amounts of good fic.  It's like Christmas every day.  The sheer volume even helps make up for the fact that there are some fantastic, but abandoned, WIPs that I keep finding...

So, more to come.  Jupiter_Ash, Lindentreeisle (Captainblue), Random_Nexus, thirdbird, feverishsea, emmagrant01.... there are too many to name here, and they are all deserving of getting added to the fic rec list.

Honestly, most of my problem at this point is finding a good way to catalog and keep track of it all.  Tags in my LJ posts?  An excel spreadsheet?  How does one even go about cataloging a fic addiction in such OCD fashion while keeping a straight face? :)

fic rec

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