Sherlock fic rec: Fic by etothepii

Feb 14, 2012 21:48

I'm extremely remiss in not having mentioned one of my top 3 current favorite fic authors: etothepii  I can't say enough good things about this author, honestly.  My favorite fics are below.  (It probably looks like I listed everything etothepii has ever written in this fandom, but she's prolific, and I only manage to list about half, I swear :)

A triology:
you need someone to take care of you (but I know it won't be me)
it's easy to trust someone who can't break you
everything you won't tell me (is mapped in your scars)
NC-17, Lestrade/Sherlock, eventual John/Sherlock
Teaser for the first fic: The first time he sees Sherlock's driving license, Lestrade is sure it's a skilled forgery, though why Sherlock would want the little black S as his role instead of a D, he has no idea.
Notes: I swear to christ - BDSM is really not a kink of mine, but I will absolutely read it, and even love the fic if it's done well.  This series is excellent, especially the last installment.  I appreciate etothepii's trademark intense, true, and complex characterizations.

Another triology:
Highly Intelligent, Observant, and Destructive When Bored
Feels Like Drowning
Eventual NC-17 and John/Sherlock, Mycroft/John/Sherlock
Teaser for the first fic: In his pants pocket next to his phone, Mycroft carries the standard-issue steel capsule meant for protecting arthropod daemons. When people ask about it, he smiles and tells them she's not fond of the light, or of people other than himself. This is a lie. Written for the Sherlock Holmes Kink Meme. His Dark Materials fusionfic. A little dark.
Note: As stated, an HDM AU.  I haven't read HDM (see previous fic recs :P) but this reads brilliantly regardless.  Awesome character development, good plot, nice dark feel.  By the end, this fic overrides and even co-opts - in spectacular fashion - my total aversion to Mycroft/Sherlock fic.  That aversion, btw, is why I haven't gotten to some of etothepii's other stuff.  Ah well.

Favorite one-shots:
It Feels like Home when I'm With You
PG-13, John/Sherlock
Teaser: John still gets nightmares about Afghanistan. That's the worst part of it all, he thinks -- he still has dreams about sand and drowning to death in his own blood. But they're more memory than nightmare. Spoilers for Study in Pink. Written for the Sherlock BBC Kink Meme. Ghost!John.
Notes: As always, clever plot, well-thought-out character development, and good pacing.  Just enough melancholy to drive the narrative tension, but ultimately a fic that makes me very happy.

Show Me How to Stop Running
NC-17, John/Sherlock
Teaser: John gets turned into a werewolf during Afghanistan, and it sucks, but then he moves in with another werewolf, and it's pretty cool.
Notes:  I love me some good AU.  Quality plot and characters.  Somehow etothepii manages to write a number of first-meeting fics for John and Sherlock that are totally unique (not re-hashing the same arc), while still providing something compelling and in-character.

Other excellent one-shots:
Backup Copies, R, John/Sherlock
Teaser: When John dies, Sherlock doesn't know what to do. But Mycroft does. Dollhouse crossover. Contains temporary character death and non-explicit torture.

Your Moral Crisis is Stupid
NC-17, John/Sherlock
Teaser: Sherlock is asexual. John is not. Possibly, Sherlock should have told him this before they had sex.

I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You
PG-13, John/Sherlock
Teaser: Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John. Good Omens fusion.

All fic by etothepii:
I haven't read everything, as some of it is sadly outside my particular fic preference (I don't care what authors write about, god bless them, but when choosing what to read I do have a couple things I just know I can't get into).  I'm sure it's all high quality, though :)

bdsm, werewolf, sherlock bbc, hdm, fic rec, au

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