Sherlock fic rec: Fic by Silver Pard

Feb 02, 2012 22:36

A Brief Account of Life with Zombies
Summary: Sherlock and John, World War Z

A zombie apocalypse AU (duh).  Holy shit did this give me a good laugh when I needed one.  A cut above mere crackfic. Love the use of texting/e-mail/memos to carry the story and humor.  "Boom headshot" got a LOL out of me, but my favorite exchange is probably this:
(11:38) JW informs me that the vernacular term is 'zombie(s)'. SH
(11:39) O RLY? MH
(11:41) You are seven years older than I am, grow up. SH
(11:46) Ya rly. SH
(11:50) While I'm pleased you've managed to reverse the typical state of affairs, give Sherlock his phone back, Dr Watson. MH
God, just go read it :D

Other fic by Silver Pard:
Alter Ego
A brilliant and melancholy character study of John Watson, and why he blogs.

Falling Down
Intriguing and atmospheric Labyrinth AU.

Silver Pard's fic is here:

I hope more Sherlock fic shows up!  An author with talent and a varied style.   Even the collection of meme fills, "Agglomeration," is full of gleaming chunks of smart and/or funny ficlet.

sherlock bbc, fic rec, au, crackfic

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