Trying to find a Sherlock BBC Fanfic - zombie AU

May 07, 2012 23:51

Can anyone help me find a WIP Sherlock BBC fanfic?  It’s making me nuts lately.  It’s a zombie apocalypse AU (serious, not funny, so it’s not “A Brief Account of Life with Zombies,” though that’s a great fic).  Sherlock, John, and Mrs Hudson are cooped up in 221.  The story opens with John arriving home from Tesco or something and getting treed by a pack of zombies on top of a car.  He yells for Sherlock, who gets John’s gun and comes to the rescue.  Later on in the fic Sherlock has a dream in which he realizes how the zombie outbreak might have started…

It’s frustrating how much of the plot I remember and yet can’t come up with enough google-able keywords to find it :P

Last I checked (pretty recently) it was a WIP.  I’m dying to read the rest of it but can’t recall (or find in my bookmarks) which of my favorite authors is writing it.  If someone knows it and can drop me a line with the author or title, I would appreciate it! :)

UPDATE:  Hahaha of course 5 seconds after posting this, I find it :)  Should have looked through my friends list first!  This story is written by the fabulous random_nexus
First part is here: Happy New Year

I love this story, and hope there's more soon! :D

random_nexus, zombie, sherlock bbc, fic rec, wip, au

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