Aug 27, 2008 19:56
i'm having massive spider related palpitations... living in the countryside is RUBBISH
not only because it takes me an hour on a bus to get to the nearest city... and its £5 for that pleasure... but because when its harvest time all the field spiders come running into my house... and they're fucking massive... this one is under the ceramic kitchen utensils holder i keep my pens in... but part of me honestly thinks i'm gonna look around and see the bastard thing lifting the edge and slinking away... not to mention i sprayed hairspray on it to get it to come out of the corner of my room... so its probably really pissed at me...
i'm so bored and i've lost all ability i might have had to focus on anything... concentrating on anything that isnt a 50 minute long tv show is completely beyond me...
i did manage about 40 minutes of filling out two identical applications before i settled on actually just sending one with a cover note telling them to consider one form for the two (basically) identical jobs (one is a 12 month job as a 'book fetcher' the other a 6 month job as a 'book mover' both have the same wages etc)
i cant wait for everything to stop being rubbish...