Snowflake challenge day 9 and 10

Jan 15, 2018 00:41

Day 9

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

* ReverseBang: I'll Be With You When the Stars Start Falling.
I feel like for some reason, a lot of people missed this. I mean, my comment section has been a lot more quiet then a few years back, but this one seems to have less then the others. And I quite liked what I created for this one. :)

* SPN Artbook: The Divide
I got to create some art for an artbook that was created to collect money for some charities of the SPN stars. It was a lot of fun to draw Genevieve as Ruby, and I'm proud of the result.

* JibCon 7 Art Project: Cain
I'm really proud of this one. It took me many, many hours, but I think it was very worth it. :)

* Aidan Turner
One older, non-Spn piece. The curls and stubble made me question why I was doing this to myself, but I still really like the end result. :)

Day 10

In your own space, share your love for a trope, cliché, kink, motif, or theme. (Or a few!) Tell us what makes it work for you, and why it appeals to you so much. Talk about what you like to see in fanworks featuring that theme most. Feel free to include recs and examples!

I love me some H/C! But only with specific characters as the hurty and the comforter. For Spn for example, I love it when Dean/Jensen is the one hurt, and Sam/Jared is the one doing the caring. The other way around doesn't work at all for me. I'm not a 100% sure why that's the case. Maybe I just love seeing a character I love being vulnerable and being taken care off? Anyway. One thing it does need though is a happy ending. I do not do unhappy endings. Nope. Nu-uh.

Here are a few H/C fics I love:

* Touched by Darkness, by agt_spooky (J2)

* White Knight, Talking Backwards, by destina (J2)

* MRSA, by janissa11 (Spn Gen fic, wee!chesters)

Day 1 and 2
Day 3 and 4
Day 5 and 6
Day 7 and 8

supernatural, recs, snowflake challenge

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