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Comments 6

reapertownusa January 15 2018, 08:54:23 UTC
Your portraits are *so* amazing. And that's super awesome that you got to participate in such a beautiful fundraiser project.

And I'm so there with you on the Dean H/C. There's little I love more fictionally speaking than Sam taking care of hurt Deah.


sillie82 January 17 2018, 16:02:16 UTC
Aww, thank you bb. <3

Haha, same here.


milly_gal January 15 2018, 12:52:55 UTC
Thanks for the list of your recs hun xx


sillie82 January 17 2018, 16:02:25 UTC
You're welcome. :D


casey28 January 17 2018, 15:40:53 UTC
Thanks for all the recs. Always love seeing your art, and I've left some comments. :) I love h/c too... I'll check out the fics.


sillie82 January 17 2018, 16:02:56 UTC
Thank you bb. Love getting comments. <3 Hope you'll like the fics!


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