ReverseBang artpost the Second

Nov 26, 2017 23:50

Art Title: Brother's Keeper
Prompt Number: s2025
Artist: sillie82

Fic Title: I’ll Be With You When the Stars Start Falling || AO3
Author: amypond45
Fandom: Spn
Genre/pairing: wincest AU (age reversal - Sam’s the older brother)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 12.5k
Warnings: underage (Dean is 17, Sam is 21)


In a world without monsters, John Winchester insists that something evil killed his wife. John’s a paranoid, half-mad drifter who drags his sons around the country pursuing possible supernatural activity, trying to prove that it’s real while preparing his boys to defend themselves against creatures that don’t exist. When a natural disaster strikes, John’s ready to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of his boys, sending them off to a cabin in the woods for the next four years. What they discover there, and what they learn about the world when they finally leave the confines of their hideaway, makes them question everything they thought they knew about their father, his worldview, and their own hearts.

Notes: Welcome to my second spn_reversebang artpost of this year. :D I want to thank amypond45 for claiming my art prompt and writing a wonderful story that you all must def. check out. I hope you had fun bb. :D It always feels like I never have enough time, but I still think I managed to make some nice extra pieces. I hope ya'll will enjoy!

Small warning: The art contains spoilers for the story!

Original Prompt
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On DeviantArt

Banner Drawing
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On DeviantArt

The cabin near Pinewood Lake where Sam and Dean hole up the first few years.

Extra Illustration 1
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On DeviantArt (Reference)

'“It’s just a kiss,” Dean crawls toward him, and Sam freezes, torn between his own desperation and determination. “I promise I’ll stop you from going any further. I promise I’ll stop.”

Dean’s worn him down. He kneels up in front of Sam, and in this position Sam’s only a little taller. Dean looks up at him with those bottomless pools of green water, blown dark with anticipation, and Sam can’t stop himself to save his life.

He’s a goner for this boy. This is the end. The beginning of the fucking end.

When Dean tilts his face up and parts his lips Sam cradles his head in both hands and Dean grabs his biceps, tugging him closer. It’s awkward; they don’t angle their faces right and bump noses, making Dean huff out a little laugh against Sam’s mouth. Then their lips touch and Sam’s lost, just as he knew he would be. He’s being destroyed, dying incrementally as Dean kisses him, sucking on first his top lip, then the bottom one, then opening his mouth wider and sliding his tongue into Sam’s mouth, seeking Sam’s tongue.

Sam hears a moan, realizes it’s his as Dean’s tongue slides along Sam’s, then retreats again, coquettishly. Dean suckles Sam’s lips one at a time again, then withdraws, tipping his head down as their lips part. Sam leans his forehead against Dean’s, breathing hard, keeping his eyes closed another minute as they breathe each other’s air.'

Extra Illustration 2
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On DeviantArt

'Dean drives. Sam’s shoulder hurts where somebody got off a good blow he didn’t even notice, probably the guy he head-butted. His lip’s bleeding. Dean has a cut on his cheekbone, right under his eye, and another one on his forehead. Scrapes, nothing more. They got off easy.

They’re about five miles out of town, headed south, before Dean speaks.

“So I guess there are survivors,” he says, and Sam nods grimly.

“Looks like,” he agrees.'

Extra Illustration 3
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

'Sam’s just about ready to make a dash for the car, dragging Dean with him, when the gate behind them opens and Bobby Singer stalks out with a shotgun in his hands. Without even a glance at the boys, he fires a round of buckshot at the monsters at point blank range and they fall apart in a cacophony of shrieks and moans, leaving behind only a pile of ragged clothing.

Sam’s breathing hard, like he ran a race, and Dean clings to him, peering around Sam’s still-outstretched arm at the man who quite possibly just saved their lives.

Bobby lowers the shotgun and turns to look at them, and for a moment Sam’s not sure Bobby recognizes them. It’s been five years, and both boys were much smaller back then.

“Sam,” Bobby greets him, then nods at Dean. “Dean. Looks like your daddy was right about monsters.”'



Comments are love. <3

sam winchester, supernatural, pictures, fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, reversebang, dean winchester

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