Hey ho... a bit of an update

Nov 19, 2017 00:56

I've been largly absent from my LJ, so I think it's time for a bit of an update...

* For the people who missed it... If you want a holiday/ Christmas card from me, please fill in the poll HERE, or send me a PM. :)

* Also, I posted my first ReverseBang artpost! You can find it HERE

* So... my middle sister got married on October 31st. It was a really nice wedding, although the weather could have been nicer (it was pretty damn cold and a bit rainy :'3). Thankfully most of the wedding was inside, but for the pictures it would have been nice if it had been a tiny bit warmer.
I'd gone over to my sisters the day before the wedding and stayed the night at their place, as I was going to do her hair and make-up, and this way she was sure I was gonna be on time. :')

Anyway... I'm gonna share a few pictures. These are by far not all of them, and I might share those on a later day, but we'll go with a selection for now.

My sister in her weddingdress before leaving for the wedding location:

In the car, on our way to the wedding location. Can you spot me? :'3:

Slot Zuilen, the place the wedding would take place:

Outside, waiting for the guests and taking pictures:

Here's a picture my mom took of me and my two sisters:

THE moment happening:

After the ceremony we had a high tea in another room. It was all very delicious, and the room we were in was also very pretty.

Couldn't help but take a picture of my sis in this corner with the big mirror:

And of course I also took a picture of myself. I don't know why I look like a deer in the headlights though... :'):

The happy couple had asked a good friend who's really into photography if she would take pictures at the wedding. She's still working on them, but she shared these four as a sort of preview of what's to come:

And last but not least, here are some pictures of the little doves I crocheted as a wedding present. I and the rest of my fam put money and some candy hearts at the bottom.

* Man, I've got so many pictures I still need to post. But I either don't have the time, or the energy to do so. I'm hoping I can post some of them soonish, so don't be surprised to see picures of things that happened months ago. :') Oh! I have some pictures to share of some really nice dresses I bought lately. I was searching for something to wear at the wedding, and found not one, but two really nice dresses. And the other day I also found a really cute dress for the holidays.

So this is the dress I ended up wearing to the wedding. I love the details of the three holes at the neckline, and I'm in love with the fit-and-flare style.

Another option for the wedding was this dress that's covered in lace and embroidery:

And this is the cute dress I found the other day for the holidays:

* Excuse my tired face in all the pictures of the dresses btw. My sleeping schedule is horrible, and on work days I get not nearly enough sleep (there are night were I clock about 3 to 4 hours). I know this, yet I seem impossible to change it. I've always been a night owl, and my bedtime has always been after midnight, but now with my job, having to get up at 6 for early shifts and at 7 for a late one... Yeah. :/

Talking about work... it's been stressful lately. I mean, I love my job and the place I work at, but things have been happening that make it difficult sometimes. There are two colleagues who've been gone sick for a long time. They've both been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, one a while back and the other recently, so it's gonna be a while before they'll be back to full force. Assuming they WILL be back at full force. They're both from the same group at our location, so I've been basically running that group with the one remaining colleague who hasn't fallen ill. And there were a lot of things that had fallen behind in the group, and I've been trying to get things running smoothly again, and it's taken a lot of energy. Also, as a substitute, there are a lot of things you don't have to do, that I do have to do now, so that's taken some getting used to. I think I'm doing a good job though, and I've gotten some compliments from colleagues and from my managers to confirm that, which is nice.
I also hadn't taken time off since May, so this past week I've been off work. I still don't really feel like I've rested much though. :') I really need to keep an eye on my free days next year and plan them better, or I'm gonna run myself into the ground. >__>;
But yeah, because of all this, I'm running low on energy, which sometimes means that when I come home, I don't even have the energy to turn on my laptop. Scrolling a little on my phone and scanning posts is about all I get done on a night like that. So if I'm not commenting much lately, that's the reason why. I do try to read everything though, and I try to comment when I can.

* I hope anything I posted tonight makes any sense. :') There's so much going on in my head, and trying to form that into a logical sentence seems impossible sometimes. You're free to ask me things if something isn't clear. :')

* Hope you're all having a great weekend!

clothing, photo's, pictures, holiday cards, about me, picspam, ask me anything, crocheting, spicspam, personal, reversebang, family, work

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