Ah well, I normally don't talk about real life stuff online, but I have an upcoming interview for a position as a foreign language assistant in Great Britain in about two weeks and I'm required to give some ideas on how to introduce British students/pupils to Austrian culture. (Have I mentioned that I'm really nervous about it? No? Well I am
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Comments 14
Hochdeutsch vs. Österreichisch finde ich auch nicht schlecht. Da gibts ja wirklich einiges (ich sag nur Stiege, Kasten, Jause...)!
Danke für deinen Input! ^^
Was mir noch eingefallen ist, ist zumindest bei meinen Lateinkiddies gut angekommen. Da hatte ich mal bei Wikipedia Sachen über Harry Potter auf Latein gefunden. Läßt sich bestimmt auch mit Englisch-Deutsch machen. Die Schüler kennen das und die meisten finden Harry Potter gut. Zumindest interessanter als die Texte in den normalen Schulbüchern.
Ugh Latein, ich frage mich immer noch wie ich meinen Lateinzusatz auf der Uni jemals positiv geschafft habe ;)
Simply some imput what people outside of Austria know about Austria would already help. :)
I'm mostly aware of the "Sound of Music" stereotypes and all the classical music and food stuff that people seem to connect to Austria and I just got curious if there was something else I could mention during my interview.
I've talked with a guy from America once who told me that his friends would not believe him that he was in Austria as (and I quote) "nobody is wearing a Dirndl on your photos" -.-
The classical stuff is the most obvious thing about Austria I guess, although it is mostly connected to Vienna in my mind. Popculture stuff is difficult as music, televison etc. is very much influenced by the anglophone world or connected to Germany...
Ah well, at the moment I'm thinking of simply focusing on the "classics", Austrian traditions (of that we have many especially at Christmas and Easter) and last but not least stereotypes (well hello there Sound of Music, nice seeing you here ;) )
Thanks for your imput :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYj9kIxAL_o run starts at 1:32.
and I was constantly on the watchout for the speed and interims... XD
I think skiing and the hype about our "ski stars" is defintely something I could work with though...
Seeing that your post is one and a half months old, I very much hope that you've managed to get the position in Great Britain.
I'm a foreign language assistant as well - out of work for several years - so I know how hard it is to get a job in this field. I had been offered a position in Southern France after my studies, but couldn't take it because my children were too young for a move abroad at that time.
I would have loved to help you out somehow, but as a German I probably know too much about Austria to have been of great help. Although when introducing foreign students to your own culture it's always a good idea to start with stereotypes, and then to disprove them. :D
Stereotypes are always fun to teach, and I think they were one among the stuff I mentioned during the interview. :)
Ich drücke dir ganz fest die Daumen. :)
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