I need your help with a little something...

Jan 19, 2013 17:11

Ah well, I normally don't talk about real life stuff online, but I have an upcoming interview for a position as a foreign language assistant in Great Britain in about two weeks and I'm required to give some ideas on how to introduce British students/pupils to Austrian culture. (Have I mentioned that I'm really nervous about it? No? Well I am...)

I have no problems with the lesson planning aspect (after all, I've done that before) but I'm not sure what not-Austrians would consider Austrian culture, or simply know about Austria at all..

So it would really help me if you could maybe some of you could send me a message, or answer with what you know about Austria or would love to learn about it if you were in school and would learn German?

(crossposted from my tumblr)

real life

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