(no subject)

May 04, 2005 16:32

I woke up way early cause of detention - I still have four left >.<. It sucks cause every time I'm late for dickhead's class from now till the end of the year I get an after school cause he's a bastard like that. Actually it's not his fault, I've just been late too much so the ass. principal is changing the policy. Actually it kind of is his fault, cause if he wasn't so strict I wouldn't have had so many detentions and it wouldn't have led to this. I explained to him that my sister gets up late a lot but he won't excuse it cause "I don't have a note" - bastard! - but whatever. I'm gonna just get a ride from mom from now on when I know I'm gonna be late - even though I get there at the same time anyway, at least she'll be able to write an excuse. Yeah i wwent down there and got her a couple mornings ago and she took ten minutes to get around to taking me which meant I got there at 7:36:50 - i know because the guy at the door goes "ten seconds" when I walked in - so I had to go from his class - which he saw me walk in the door cause it's right by his class room and he always stands outside his door and he looked at me when I walked by - from his class to my locker to get my stuff and then back to his class in ten seconds. I would've gone straight to class but he would've given me a detention for being unprepared. So because she was late taking me I was late for class which means I got three more added to the two I already had and since I served one of em yesterday I now have four.

I'm still in a really low state of mind but today was better than most days. I talked to Chris at lunch and he was really upset about this chick that was bitchin at him cause he supposedly fucked somethin up - long story - and I wanted to go find her and beat the shit out of her cause he looked like he was about to cry. He's seemed really stressed lately, I feel bad. Plus his home life is shit so he doesn't need people yellin at him at school too. People suck.
Because he had to go to the principals office and talk to him about the argument him and the bitch got into - cause they were arguing in gym - I went over and talked to Mary. She brought up the thing that happened in first hour... one Channel One today they were talking to this woman who was in her thirties and had a sixteen year old son and a fourteen year old daughter. They were talking to her because she has lung cancer from smoking. She started crying when she talked about how she cries every night because she knows she needs to stop or else she'll die from it but she can't stop and she still smokes more than a pack every day. After Channel One Kreutsfeldt asked if anyone had any smoking stories the reply was:
Me: My dad smokes
Him: What do you think about that?
Me: I don't have a problem with it, it's his choice to smoke.
Him: My dad smoked cigars. He would smoke one outside every day and I'd wake up to him coughing every morning, I didn't like that.
Me: My dad coughs a lot too. He won't quit even though my mom and sister constantly tell him they wish he would. He still didn't quit after my grandpa almost died from emphysema. They got it cleared up, but still.
Him: My dad died from emphysema and so did my father-in-law.
Jessica Beaudoin: I bet you enjoyed that didn't you.
Him: What? (he didn't hear her)
Jessica: Nothing.
Mary Drinkwine: She said she was sorry.
Him: Oh, well thank you. (Sincere thanks)
Me: I'm sorry that happened.
Then we moved on to other subjects... but what Jessica said (italics) really pissed me off. I wanted to bitch her for that but I didn't cause I knew that if I did then Mr. Kreutsfeldt would realize what she said and that would hurt him. It was better to let it go and let him believe she cared than it was to point it out and hurt him. I seriously felt for him because I know what it's like to lose someone close to you and I've been there. My great grandpa died from old age, yes, but I still lost him in a horrible way. I didn't even get to say goodbye or see him one last time. The last time I saw him he was in a coffin, I know what that's like. Jessica had no place to say what she did. Yes, he is a very strict guy and not very lenient when it comes to the rules, but he still has feelings and he still went through a lot. She hasn't lost a father and she obviously doesn't care if she lost someone else in her life because she never talks about it, and if she did lose someone and it hurt her she wouldn't have said that because she'd know how he felt. She was very wrong. I forgot about it by third hour - we have that class together - cause I was freakin out too much in second cause I was tryin to catch up still from missin last wed, thu and fri and I woulda yelled at her for it if I woulda remembered sooner. I really felt for him though and I've ever felt for him before. I could see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice. I could feel what he felt and I know he was hurt. I know it seems weird for me to feel for someone I don't really like, but whatever. I don't really not like him though, like he's cool and he jokes a lot and can be really funny. He's just too strict with the rules and he needs to lighten up with his gradeing and joke around a little more when he teaches.
Anyway's, I'm gonna go cause this is mad long. Later peeps!
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