It's been a while since I last saw your face

May 01, 2005 00:55

Here's a site I haven't been to in a while! It's been forever since I even got online, should make for a lot of catchin up (not really :p). Nothing's really different though so that makes it tough. Well, let's see... I got a ferret last weekend, he's eleven weeks tomorrow. I'm gonna try n add a pic of him, it prolly won't work cause it's just my luck but oh well.

I'm stil failing Kreutsfeldt, I've been late five times this quarter which means I have a total of three morning detentions to serve so far and I might get after school for the fifth but I'm not sure, could be a days suspention OOPS!! I don't really care. The rest of my classes are good so whatever, fuck Kreutsfeldt. FUCK KREUTSFELDT!!

I was gonna say something but I forgot what it was... hmm... oh well... I went to the Local last night. Sucked ass - same as last time. The only cool part was that this one band from Chicago kicked ass and Amanda's friend Jessi is cool and I got to hang with her for a while. Plus I got free Rally's - Amanda owed me anyways I'm sure (I'm always givin her money). I went to a couple stores today and bought clothes n shit...

I just got new guitar strings, but I've only played once since I switched em. Iduno, I haven't really felt up to do anything lately. I'm feelin really down. I feel almost depressed... not completely though cause I know I've gotta have somethin to live for... hmm... what is there... I dun have much else to say. I guess I lead a pretty boring life huh.

I've been havin some fucked up dreams though. Like I'll either get hit by my parents, I'll almost get raped or murder (sometimes I do get raped), I'll get in a fist fight with Heath over different things, or I'll do something totally out of character for me - such as start a fight - and I'll end up gettin shot or stabbed. No matter what it is I always wake up crying. Every night somethin happens in my dream that includes my great grandpa or him and my grandma and sometimes the whole thing is about him - like a few times I've had dreams where I see him and he'll see me and I'll reach out to eachother and then he'll start getting farther and farther away. I'll run after him but he just fades away. Then I'll wake up and I'll be freaking out - sometimes I'll be like on the floor crying er somethin weird like that. One time I had a dream where he would back up through a door and it would close and when I'd open it I'd see him disappear around a corner and go through another door and I'd just keep chacing him and then the last door I opened I was standing in my doorway (awake now) running toward my sisters door and when I realize I'm awake after looking around a while in confusion I'll go back in my room and cry a bit then go to sleep.
Well now that you've been entertained with my shity dreams, I guess I'm done.
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