ramblings of the day

Apr 20, 2007 00:14

lotr book test tomorrow, but it's open-book, so yayness.

just barely got in my psych and english posts before midnight tonight, even though they were supposed to be done this MORNING. instead, i watched Lost, since i was still 2 weeks behind. i then geeked out and watched
Charlie's death scenes repeatedly and in slow motion, because OMGDOM. OMGLOVE. he is talented, and i'm not just saying that because i love him.
i've also been listening to my "midnight storm" cd, which is classical music with thunder sounds over parts of it, and it's really cool and a great find at a library book sale. anyways, i have much love for Bach's Toccata & Fugue in D minor, and of course, Beethoven's 5th. and actually, there's a Mozart song on here that i really love, even though i'm not really a Mozart kind of girl. he's usually too happy-sounding for my taste. Beethoven's my fav because i can PLAY some of his stuff (moonlight sonata, and actually now that i said that, i'm surprised that's not on this cd!). /music geek omg

but anyway, i was mentioning the music because it kinda gets me in the zone for writing that new church monaboyd fic, which is a completely different style than i usually write in, so i have to concentrate to keep consistent. and Raquel said she likes the new style, and that it is very different, so it's not just my imagination. and now i'm all happy from that little review, so yay for writing.

and speaking of writing, i just remembered i have an essay about lighting in one scene of a film of my choice due by wednesday. and i haven't picked a movie yet. i'm going to watch Contact again, even though it's on vhs, because i seem to remember some dramatic lighting in that, and just because i love it and want to watch it again. i also have Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, which is black and white and should have some really good lighting, plus director commentary so maybe i can pull stuff from that for my essay.

oh, back to the music for a second. anybody know what the song is that's played in the background of the new lost promos? i've heard it before, i know i have, but i can't place it and now i really want that song. because it's pretty. *g*

and omg, tiffany i'm sorrrrrry. i meant to copy the table of contents yesterday, and then today, and now i've totally forgotten until now. >.< i WILL scan tomorrow. or something. sorrrrryyyyyyy. >.<

dominic monaghan, class: comm 103, music, class: engl 271, tv: lost, class: psych 100, random, writing, co-op: lotr lit

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