some randomness before I go to bed

Apr 20, 2007 01:21

1) a cockroach-like bug half the size of my thumb crawled out of the newspaper as I picking it up and it scared the fucking daylights out of me. >.< Sorry, Dom, but bugs don't live long around me. Except I'm really freaked out by them, so I usually get someone else to do the actual squishing. >.<

2) I have a few lines of completely random dialogue that I wrote over Easter weekend. So, here they are. I have no idea what I was doing with the second one, by the way. It's a bit awkward. >.<


"Obviously that 'natural selection' thing isn't working too well." (LOL!)


"I'm in the business of selling knowledge."

"What does that mean?"

"That means, kid, that you need an education. I'm here to sell it to ya."

"Shouldn't education be free?"

"We're in the real world here, kid."


And that's it. And I'm going to bed as soon as I finish my study guide for the test.

drabble, writing, rl, random

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