I've been thinking...

Oct 20, 2007 22:28

Which is always tremendously fun for those who become caught up in the cross-fire...

With remarkably little extrapolation, I have come up with a theory pertaining to JKR's recent comments, including but not limited to "Dumbledore is gay" and "I married Harry Potter."

The phenomenon of the 'Harry filter' has been proposed prior to this application, of which the purpose is further examination of the implications of recent canonical evidence provided in the Harry Potter universe; I propose that it has played a far more intricate role in the creation of the series of which JKR was unaware.  Heretofore, it has also been considered (and, dare one say, bitched about) that there was little to no representation of homosexuality within the texts provided.

Now, let us consider the statement, "I married Harry Potter."  Whilst, on one level, this appears to be the title of a poorly-named confessional penned by none other than Genevra Potter, post-divorce, in context it appears to be a desperate plea for attention.  It is therefore my duty to ask you to briefly suspend any disbelief and consider that JKR's words ring true, in which case, one must assume that her present husband is, in fact, Harry Potter in a poor Muggle disguise, no doubt hiding from the Weasley clan's desire to hex him into oblivion after deserting the aforementioned youngest daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley.

If this interpretation is to be believed, one must furthermore assume that said husband has, in fact, been feeding her true events that have been reshaped to fit the timeline of the 1990s.  However, according to a previous statement from an interview that Google refuses to provide (but which one must assume with the utmost certainty exists) that strife in the Muggle world mirrors strife in the Wizarding world, which suggests that some adjustment to the times was necessary.  Hence and therefore, I believe it reasonable to propose that Grindelwald's ascent to power coincided with the First World War (for details, I suggest the historian formerly known as AJP Taylor, but whom certain circles now refer to A-Jap), causing Voldemort's first reign of terror to be located in the 1960s, during the period of sexual revolution.  The venerable old institutions of prudish-ness were breaking down as children were being murdered in their beds.

This places his second attempted at power at some point in the 1980s and, well, we all know what happened in the '80s.

Which brings me to the second point of this post: homosexuality and the Harry filter.  Clearly, in narrating these events, JKR's husband neglected to mention the debauched going-ons of the dormitories of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  (In addition to a slight anger-management problem, Harry seems to have developed some slight homophobic tendencies during his stint at the Dursleys'.)  To save his own arse, as well as those of many classmates, the only character he felt comfortable 'outing', so to speak, was Dumbledore, who is dead and also a bastard.

Not to mention that those sherbet lemons?  Dead giveaway.

(My apologies to the various historians and their fields, which I have butchered for my own ends, and also any math teachers that I may have failed.  I promise that this isn't my real academic voice; I have been cured of such verbosity.)

speculation, hp, general silliness

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