Staying Away from the River

Sep 26, 2010 20:18

Silarra and G'brion attempt to visit the Alhan clan at Crom Hold. Instead Liniath brings back a candidate.

The river has frozen over, perfect for skating. While several of the Hold's residents appear to be taking advantage of this by flashing around on the ice, Nehvien's still seated at the edge of the river, eyeing the skaters with what can only be termed trepidation. He's gotten as far as putting on skates, but his grip on the bench is firm, perhaps indicating he has no intention of going anywhere, anytime soon.

A couple of dragons appear in the sky, high overhead - two greens. They take their sweet time about circling down to land, giving the skaters and spectators plenty of time to speculate about who exactly they are and what exactly they (or their riders) want. Finally they touch down, and the two riders dismount and walk together along the path by the river. As they get closer to the bench where Nehvien is sitting, the skinny blond is saying to the shorter brown-haired woman with him, "Are you sure it's this way? Where did they park their wagons, anyway? Last time they were here, it was over at the edge of those fields." He points to a great expanse of open space that is conspicuously absent of any visible wagons.

The arrival of the dragons has indeed, caused a bit of a stir on the ice, a number of the skaters stopping to stare openly, a few others hurrying off the ice and towards the Hold. Others, after a look, continue the skating, including one of the girls who yells something in Nehvien's direction. It's difficult to tell what she's yelling, but the gist appears to be 'get your butt out here'. Nehvien's watching her anxiously, and with another yell, gamely stands, holding firmly to the bench for balance. "Uh, coming. Coming. Maybe," the scrawny lad mutters gamely, looking a little unsteady on his skates. The approach of the riders distracts him for a moment - just long enough - that his grip slips and with a -wham- he's rather firmly seated on his behind on the ground.

Silarra strolls alongside G'brion glancing around with a none too excited look. Her gaze fixes out on those skaters for a moment before she shivers and turns to look over to her cousin, tucking her hands a bit lower in the pockets of her jacket. "By the river. At least that's what Casir said." She pauses for a second before adding, "I'm going to kick his butt if this was all just a way to tease me. He'll be seriously in need of a healer." Silarra mutters over towards her fellow greenrider.

G'brion blinks. "You think he would do that? ...I might help you, if that's the case. I was kind of surprised when you said they were here, I mean, normally they'd be on the way to River Bend to winter in, by now." He happens to be looking right at Nehvien as he goes over on his rear end, and Gabe raises a hand to his mouth, but not quick enough to muffle the laughter.

Nehvien's fumbling attempt to rise again is the cause of much laughter, particularly from the young girl who skates to a hold, hand covering her mouth as she watches the scrawny lad slip over again. Flustered, the lad scoots backwards until he can grip at the bench, steadying himself as he finally manages to stand again, if somewhat unsteadily. He casts a chastening look at the girl on the ice, who seems oblivious as she expertly takes off again across the ice. With a sigh, Nehvi begins to brush snow off himself, slowing only as he notices the two riders - one of them laughing. He clears his throat, looking embarrassed. "Um, hello there."

Silarra is definitely not laughing. Instead she winces at that, stopping to stand a few feet from the river as she nods over to Nehvien. "Hello! Have you seen wagons around? Trader clan here anywhere?" Maybe he can point them in the right direction. And then Gabe gets a quick snort, despite the fact that he's definitely taller than the petite woman. "Help? Casir'd probably take you down with one hand. I'd have no issue with the idiot though." Silarra pauses a second, shivering again. "Don't like ice skating. Especially here. That water is damn cold." Shudder.

"You could hold him, I could pound him," Gabe suggests cheerfully. The grin he flashes at Nehvien is apologetic. "Hi," he says, "yeah, we're looking for the Alhan wagons, you know where they parked?" Just in case he didn't hear the question when Silarra asked it.

"Um. Wagons?" Nehvien echoes Silarra, glancing around as if, perhaps, they're going to suddenly materialize from somewhere. The movement almost makes him lose his balance, but he tightens his grip on the bench and the near-crises is averted. "I don't think so," he says with a frown. "I mean there was a group of traders here about a sevenday ago, if that's who you're looking for?" The discussion by the pair of riders about beating someone up definitely seems to be making the lad nervous, however, eyes darting quickly between them as he edges back a couple of careful step or two, only serving to make him nearly slip over again.

Silarra grinds her head. "Deal. I'll get him in a good headlock. Stupid brother apparently can't learn the date." Grumble, grumble. Silarra's shoulders tighten again as she looks out at Nehvien, wincing. "Careful! You really don't want to fall through. I mean, you never know if you're going to fall and the ice will just crack!" Maybe that's out of character for her, but well, she /knows/.

"You mean they /left/?" G'brion says, indignant. He rounds on Silarra. "When did you say you talked to Casir? It was recent, right? ...I can't believe we came all the way out to /Crom/ and they /left/. ...don't fall over," he advises Nehvien, oh so helpfully.

If the widening of Nehvien's eyes is anything to judge by, Silarra's warning only serves to heighten the lad's nerves. "Um, well, Vivi says it's very safe. I mean uh," he darts a glance towards the river, and the girl that zooms around with complete confidence, "She's out there so it must be okay. Um. Right?" Nevertheless, he's edging a little further away from the ice. "Besides, they test it every morning before they let anyone out there." For a moment, while G'brion is focused on Silarra, he tentatively edges a couple of steps away, but his balance doesn't hold for long once he lets go of the bench, falling over just as he's advised not to.

"Yeah, well, they said it was safe for the races last turnday, too. Some idiot must have lied or not done his work, because it sure cracked under us." Silarra states with a forcibly even tone before she turns to look over to G'brion with a shake of her head. "Right. Because it was /such/ a long trip on dragonback." She adds with a dryly sarcastic tone. "And it was, maybe a sevenday ago, but he said they'd just gotten here and would be here for awhile."

"Test it? What do they do, send a few convicts out to see if they fall through?" Gabe wisecracks, though he steps forward when Nehvien falls again to offer him a hand up. "Maybe they changed their minds?" he says over his shoulder to Silarra. "But they could have sent a message or something."

Fumbling on the ground for a moment, Nehvien scrambles up with as much haste as he can manage in the skates - aided after a second's hesitation by taking G'brion's hand with a grateful, if a bit tentatively muttered thanks. "C-cracked?" he echoes Silarra, real alarm in his voice. "Um, I have to-- Vivi is--" he gives up trying to get it out, turning to yell in the direction of the ice, "Vivi, Vivi! Get off the ice!" He waves his hand to try and get the girl's attention, and though she waves back, she seems content to stay out there.

Dragon> To Liniath, Pterath's contented presence narrows to a sharply focused line of thought with a hint of a sting to it. << That boy. >> The one her rider touched. << We should bring him back with us. >>

Silarra smirks over to Gabe. "Maybe we should ask Taikrin if that was ever her job. Official ice tester. After all, she managed to not go through. Got me out." Silarra considers that. "Maybe they figured out that Crom wasn't such a wonderful place to be and made a run for it." She mutters before looking over to Nehvien. "Doubt she'll listen. Women never do."

Dragon> To Pterath, Liniath considers that for a moment before she replies with a tone that is very bright, light and girly. << We should! I like him. He will come stand and impress a dragon. I will make him if I have to. >> And with that self-assured phrase she sends along and image of knocking Sho into the snow and not letting him up.

"Can't say I blame them, except if they only /just/ figured that out..." Gabe breaks off when he realizes that Nehvien is standing right there, and they're being kind of rude. "Um," he says, and grins sheepishly. "Hey, uh, that was last year, anyway, so it's probably fine now, you know?" There's a vague wave of a hand, but he's suddenly distracted by something. He looks back in the direction they came, toward where the green dragons are waiting, and heaves an impatient sigh.

"Vivi!" Nehvien continues calling and waving, even though it's fairly obvious it's useless. It's Silarra who steals his attention, however, her words about Crom earning a surprised, blinking look. "Um. What's wrong with Crom? It's a fine place, I grew up here." There's, perhaps, a hint of defensiveness in his voice, but it's very faint, like he's almost afraid to disagree with the pair.

Silarra blinks for a moment looking over to the green as well. There's a sigh and a roll of her eyes before she looks back over to Nehvien. "Because it's /Crom/. And that means you might not know any better. Travel is your friend. You should come back to the weyr with us." It's forward. Hey, nice to meet you. Come to Reaches.

Dragon> To Liniath, Pterath is darkly amused by that image, but also, possessive of her find. << /I/ will make him >> she insists in a firm tone. << I saw him first. >> And she goes silent to bespeak her rider. A silence that grows, broken only by her growing frustration. Finally, she all but shouts, on a band audible to any dragon in the area. << /I/ want to bring him back >> she's telling G'brion. << I don't care if you want to. We must. I say so. You don't get to say. We bring him back with us! >>

G'brion opens his mouth to answer, and then suddenly he shoots a glare at Silarra. "Don't be rude," he says shortly to her. "You'll cause a diplomatic incident or something." Because he wasn't critical of Crom at /all/ just now. "He doesn't have to go anywhere," he says, and sets his jaw, stubborn out of all proportion to the conversation. "You don't have to go anywhere," he repeats, directly to Nehvien.

There's definitely a stunned, blinking look to Nehvien's expression for a moment or two. "...with you?" he echoes. "Um. I don't think so. I mean uh, this is my home-- sort of," he adds a little lamely, "And Vivi's here." He straightens a bit, adding, "I mean, you should hear what they say about -you- guys. I mean, I don't believe it, really. But have you lived here? How would you know what it's like?" Of course, this speech is, perhaps, ruined by the fact that he spends most of it trying to stay upright. G'brion's comments are reassuring, and he lets out a low breath, as if relieved.

"Because that trader clan we were looking for? I grew up a part of it. I've been around." Silarra states before she rolls her eyes over to Gabe. "Stop being a wuss. Listen to Pterath." The 'oh so diplomatic' woman tells him before she looks over to Nehvien. "Maybe I should do this more formally. My name is Silarra. My green, Liniath, would like me to ask you if you would come back to the weyr with us. We have eggs on the sand, and she thinks you're a good choice to stand for them."

"What the...!" G'brion throws his hands up in indignation. "Silarra. I need to talk to you privately," he hisses, and reaches out to grab for her arm so he can try to drag her off a short distance away.

Nehvien simply-- stares at Silarra. He opens his mouth a few times as if trying to come up with a suitable response, and fails miserably. Mercifully, perhaps, G'brion's intervention gives him a bit of time to formulate a response. He scrambles for the bench, finally sitting heavily down.

Silarra lets Gabe drag her off but she's shaking her head at him. "What, Gabe? This is the third time Liniath has done this whole, search that person, thing. Szadath even agreed with her on the last one." Her hands go indignantly down on her hips as she looks over to her cousin.

G'brion whispers "I can't believe you're in on this too, now. Would you cut it out? It's not funny. He's not even cute or anything, and he probably doesn't even /like/ guys, and I'm /not/ bringing him back to the weyr. Pterath has been doing this for, like, weeks, trying to get me to pick up guys she likes, and you're just making her worse, pretending to search him! I'm not going to sleep with him, okay? So just... take it back or whatever. Shells!"

G'brion is seriously put out about something, for he shoots a glare or two back at Nehvien as he conferences with Silarra in a furious whisper. He, too, winds up with his hands on his hips in an unconscious mirroring of her pose.

Dragon> To Pterath, Liniath sends over a mental wince at the power of that tone. << Wow! Chill out a bit. I'll just make Silarra bring him back, then. This is my third find! Our find, whatever. Three down, ten more to go. And then all those eggs will be taken care of! >>

While the two Reachians are talking, the girl in the skates - Vivi - finally makes her way over to the bench where Nehvien's seated. After a little bit of coaxing, he appears to impart the crux of his conversation with the riders, to Vivi's apparent delight. "Oh, Nehvi, you -have- to! This is so exciting!" Nehvien, however, doesn't seem quite as convinced, and the two appear to be arguing in low tones.

Dragon> To Liniath, Pterath is made even more prickly and grumpy by that boast. << I found him first >> she repeats. << WE will bring him back. >> Just as soon as her rider stops being a stupid pig-headed dork.

Silarra eyes her cousin for a moment before she just busts out laughing. It takes a minute before she pulls it together enough to talk. Her tone back is low, but still loud enough for a word here or there to travel back. "I'm not joking. Liniath isn't trying to pull something on you. Idiot. And I'm definitely not trying to hook you up, whatever Pterath does. Ew." She shudders with a look back to her cousin. Too close a relation, maybe.

"You're so full of it," G'brion argues back, aloud, now. "I know Pterath put you and Liniath up to this, so just, would you stop? I swear, I'm never going anywhere with you ever again." Turning his back on Silarra, he strides back over to Nehvien and, now, his sister. "My cousin is just being stupid," he announces. "Sorry. She does that sometimes. But, you /don't/ have to listen to her."

Nehvien seems to be focused on taking off his skates, and Vivi's distracted enough that she lets him do it, the girl bubbling away: "I mean, I can visit you while you're there, and come see the hatching." Nehvi blinks a little. "Hatching?" he echoes, nervousness obvious in his voice. "It doesn't sounds very-- uh, safe." Vivi waves her hand dismissively, "Don't worry, I'm sure only a few people get hurt." The girl beams at the pair of riders as they return. Nehvien's gaze flickers between the two, and back to Vivi for a moment, chewing his lower lip. "Um. Well, I guess it would be okay. I mean, if our aunt says it's okay. I'd have to ask her, and get my stuff--" Vivi's bouncing up even as he says that. "I'll go ask, I'll be right back!" Nervously glancing after her, Nehvi wonders aloud, "Do people really get hurt at hatchings?"

"We both survived. Though maybe it did remove all of Gabe's intelligence. Please don't listen to him and all his conspiracy theories. Liniath really, truly does mean to search you. Which, yes, would mean being at the hatching." Silarra doesn't even turn to look over towards her cousin. Liniath apparently thinks this situation now needs her attenion. And hey, there's enough room here for a green, right? Even if it means less easy travel around the area. She wings down into a neat landing to snort to G'brion and then croon imploringly over toarrds Nehvien.

Pterath glides over, too, and lands right next to Liniath - too close, really, though she's trying to get even closer to the group of humans gathered on the shore. "People get hurt /all the time/," Gabe says dramatically. "This one bronzerider has scars all down his face. Sometimes people even /die/."

Nehvien manages to get his skates off, and casts about for his boots, though Silarra's words slow down the process as he turns to stare at her as if unsure if she's being facetious or not. "Um, well, that's uh-- reassuring," he says, with little confidence. G'brion's contribution has his eyes going saucer-wide, as he begins to stammer: "Vivi didn't uh, say anything about people dying. I'm really not, uh, sure if it's the sort of thing I should, um, be, uh--" he trails off, distracted by the arrival of the pair of greens, transfixed by them.

Liniath sticks her head forward, crooning over to Nehvien, pleading. See how sweet she is? Shouldn't she be trusted. Silarra just turns to snort over to Gabe. "When did you become your mother?" She asks before adding, "Nothing is ever perfectly safe. But really, if you don't freak out or do something stupid, you'll be fine."

Sensing that he's losing the argument, G'brion just jams his hands in his pockets and glowers, with a sullen "Shut up," directed at Silarra. Pterath also sticks her head forward, not to be outdone by Liniath, though she doesn't bother with this crooning stuff.

Nehvien, still rendered mostly speechless by the nearness of both dragons, too wary to move, hesitantly gets out, "Um. Right. Don't freak out," he repeats, slightly unconvincingly. Vivi comes racing back with a sack, breathless and excited, pausing to stare at the pair of dragons as she edges around them, glance darting sidewards towards them. "Here's your stuff, I spoke to aunt.. you know how she is. It was as good as a yes." Nevhi lets out a breath, slowly. "Well, I guess that's it, then. I'll, uh, give it a go. Do they always do that? It's uh, unnerving. I never realised how big they actually are." He adds, unable to take his eyes off the two dragons.

Silarra gives Vivi a quick smile. "Thanks for bringing his stuff. Well, I guess if the family isn't here, we should take you back and get you settled at the weyr. You'll be living in the candidate barracks. We've already got a couple other people in there." She'll just ignore Gabe's shut up, adding instead, "Liniath would love to give you a ride back. She's just, uh, excited. And these two are actually on the smaller end, being greens. Liniath's nicer than I am. I'd trust her for the ride."

"Right," Gabe says in a grudging attempt to be polite: "Congratulations, then." He's a poor loser of arguments, though; he heaves a longsuffering sigh, and without saying anything else, he just stalks over to Pterath, grabs the straps, and mounts up. There's some scowling on his part and a few undignified huffs on Pterath's part, and then she waddles away from Liniath to get enough clear space to take off.

Dragon> To Liniath, Pterath does deliver a parting shot: << You had better not lose him. I saw him first. >>

Nehvien takes the sack from Vivi, giving her a bright, if slightly worried look, giving her a quick hug. "Um, you'll come see me soon right Vivi?" The girl grins and gives him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Count it on." Nehvi, wincing perhaps more than is appropriate, casts about for his boots, and finally locating them, tugs them quickly on. Standing - finally on his own two feet - he gives another surprised look at the pair of dragons. "Really?" His nerves appear to be slowly overcome by a growing fascination. To Silarra's offer: "I'd um, love to. Thank you. How do I--" his gaze flickers to G'brion, then back to Silarra, "--uh, get up -there-?"

Silarra smirks over to Gabe for just a moment before she's nodding to Vivi. "Enjoy trying not to fall through the ice." She tells the girl. Then she's climbing onto Liniath's back, offering a hand down. "I'll help you up. Then we'll strap you in so you won't have to worry at all about falling off."

Up Pterath goes, into the air, sending a stiff cold wind behind her -- she didn't move /that/ far away from the humans. She circles above them, watching for a few minutes.

"F-falling off?" Nehvien echoes with an alarmed look Vivi's way. The girl gives him an encouraging grin and thumbs up. With a deep breath, Nehvi hitches the sack over his shoulder, then leans up to grab Silarra's hand, climbing awkwardly up before settling in behind the greenrider with a faint grunt. He looks distinctly uncomfortable, perhaps a tad pale as he eyes the ground, before looking to Silarra for assistance with the straps.

Silarra helps Nehvien up as much as he'll let her, turning around to hook him into the straps before she does herself. "Really, it'll be a pretty gentle ride. You ever been up on dragonback before? And you won't fall off. Held in by nice sturdy straps." Silarra is at least diplomatic enough to turn around before she rolls her eyes where the new candidate can't see her.

"Never," Nehvien admits in a less than confident voice. Once Silarra's hooked him into the straps he grips a hold of them tightly. Vivi's waving to him but he doesn't seem game to let go to wave back right now.

"Then enjoy. Because it's like nothing else. Better than riding a runner by far. Remember to breath." And with that bit of advice from Silarra, Liniath takes off, springing up into the air. She sails up to fly alongside Pterath, looking rather smugly over to the other green.

The reminder to breathe is probably timely; Nehvien obediently does so, eyes squeezing shut inadvertently as Liniath pushes up from the ground. Another breath and he dares to open his eyes; and a few moments later he's staring down with a fascination that almost makes him forget where he is. "Oh-- wow."

Pterath pops between with a petulant flick of her tail, and no other warning than that, leaving behind a rumble of cold air.

"Told you, didn't I? It's awesome. Even better on your own dragon. Alright, we're going between in a moment. It'll feel really cold and kind of like nothings there, but believe me, Liniath still is. Then we'll be at Reaches. Ready?" Silarra turns back to look at Nehvien as she says it.

"Probably not," Nehvien admits with bland honesty as his attention strays from the view to the greenrider. "Not really at all, actually, but um, go ahead." He offers a grin at Silarra, only a little half-hearted. His fingers tighten on the straps again, and he takes a deep breath as if preparing himself.

And as soon as Nehvien takes that deep breath, Liniath pops between. It really isn't that long before she comes out over the bowl at High Reaches Weyr, giving a triumphant bugle to the watchdragon. Look! She brought back a candidate!

Pterath is not immediately visible. Maybe she's on her ledge, or maybe she went somewhere else entirely to sulk.

For that time, while they're between, Nehvien doesn't dare to breathe. He's got eyes wide open, fascination overriding any nerves, and as they emerge above the 'Reaches, he lets out an exhale of relief. He doesn't seem game to comment just yet, though he is looking around.

Silarra seems to be good with the whole not commenting thing. Her eyes are down on the ground as Liniath circles down into a neat landing. "Let me unhook you then I'll show you to the candidate barracks so you can get settled in. Welcome to 'Reaches." Silarra states, turning back to get the straps unhooked.

Only after Liniath touches down does Nehvien truly seem to relax, even going so far as to offer a grin as Silarra helps him with the straps. "That was-- uh, good. I mean, amazing. Thank you." He casts a glance to the ground, a bit hesitant about getting down, but gives it a go - perhaps earning a few bruises on the way down. "Sorry," he mutters apologetically under his breath, presumably to Liniath.

Liniath croons reassurance over to Nehvien, even as Silarra is stifling a laugh as she slips off. "This way. Got your stuff?" And she'll lead him off towards the lower caverns. "Shouldn't be too full yet. You'll still have a good option for bunks. Sho tries to give you a hard time, let me know and I'll beat him up for you. Really, that goes for any of them."

A faint trace of alarm flares across Nehvien's expression before he reaches around for the sack, relieved to find it still with him. He trails after Silarra, glancing back towards Liniath, giving the dragon a little wave - then feeling sheepish for the gesture, trots a little to catch up with the greenrider. "--beat him up?" he echoes, and there's a hint of trepidation in his voice. "Um. Well, I'll just make sure my cot is uh, far away from his then."

"Nah. He's not bad. Just likes to tease." Silarra leads her way down the corridors to the right one, pushing open the door of the candidate quarters. At least it's not that hard to catch up to someone with legs the length of Silarra's. "Just let me know if anyone tries anything. Alright? I'll take care of them. Now you get to choose a bed."

"Um. Okay." Nehvien still looks a little unsure, even with the greenrider's reassurances. "Thanks." He trails into the barracks after Silarra, peering around. He takes a few steps in, then with a shrug, picks a cot nearer the doorway by dropping his sack onto it. "Guess it doesn't really um, matter which, right? I mean I won't be here that--" he pauses, startled, then asks, "How long will I be here for?"

Silarra eyes that cot. "You know that if you pick that one you'll have to deal with everyone walking by you all the time, right?" Silarra critiques before shrugging. "Awhile. The eggs weren't clutched that long ago. Gives you time to get used the weyr and everything. You'll have plenty of chores to keep you occupied. Get to meet the people you might be a weyrling with."

Nehvien drops down onto the edge of the cot, blinking once or twice. "Weyrling," he tests the word, perhaps a little overwhelmed. "Okay, well-- that's okay. Um. Thank you. I didn't even-- sorry, I didn't even get your name--?" And belatedly, embarrassed, "I'm Nehvien."

"Oh yeah. That's probably something I should have asked before dragging you across Pern." Silarra doesn't even look embarrassed by that statement, though. "I'm Silarra. And the idiot who was at Crom with me is G'brion, my cousin."

Nehvien echoes her name under his breath, and G'brion's too, as if memorising. "Um, right. Well. I guess someone will come and tell me what to do? I might um.. unpack my things, I suppose." He looks at the small sack, with a furrow of brow.

Silarra shoves her hands down in her pockets and nods. "Get unpacked. I'll go tell someone on the Headwoman's staff that Liniath searched another one. You'll have a little time to explore the weyr today before they start you on chores, I bet. See you around!" And with that, the greenrider turns around to stalk out of the barracks.

g'brion, nehvien

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