Throwing Snow

Sep 26, 2010 20:35

Silarra attacks Sho with snowballs. Liniath decides he'd be better off as a candidate.
It's a clear, yet cold day in High Reaches. The first snow of the year has fallen and the bowl is covered in fresh powder. A number of weyrbrats are out playing in it, making little hills to sled down and snow angels (snow dragons?). Overall most people seem happy with the coming of winter. Yet there's the rare person who's Sho. The boy has on his shirt, a sweater, and a jacket, topped with a wool cap and a scarf. It may be warmer today then when the snow fell, but he sure as hell doesn't feel it. The youth is heading across the bowl, grumbling as his feet sink a few inches with each step. His final destination is Silarra's weyr, and in his opinion, he really can't get there fast enough.

Liniath seems to have the same destination, at least at first. The green is flying low over the bowl towards her weyr. As Sho is spotted, a smirk settles over Silarra's face, and she whispers something to the green, who sets down neatly not far behind the young man. Silarra slips down off the green's back, using her gloved hands to start to collect together some of the fresh snow.

Sho doesn't see the up and coming sneak attack, to focused is he on not falling on his face, and a dragon landing is certainly nothing that catches his attention. There's way to many of them, and they land way to often for him to notice each and every one. So instead he just traipses along and a semi-slow pace, what with the snow making it more difficult on him.

Silarra moves fairly quietly through the snow, clumping together a good ball of the stuff. After all, she has the benefit of having grown up in this type of climate. Once she's in good throwing distance, the snowball is sent off with a good deal of force, and pretty good aim.

Remember that whole trying not to fall thing? Well it fails when the snowball hits him in the back of the head. The force by itself isn't quite enough, but the shock of the cold sends him face first into the powdery stuff. It doesn't take long for the boy to push himself up into a kneeling position and wipe the cold gross stuff off his face. After that's done he turns quickly, looking rather mad, to see who dared to do what they just did...

Only to find Silarra laughing brightly at the fall into the snow. She's reaching down to scoop up some more as she calls over. "Isn't it grand! Snow to play in again." And with that? She's launching another snowball Sho's direction.

Sho blinks as he sees Silarra. But wait, she knows he hates sno-. The other one hits him dead in the face and he opens his eyes afterwards, looking like a living snowman with his face covered in snow. He shakes his head and stands, frowning at Silarra. "Ya know I don't like snow. It's all too cold." He grumbles, fjording through the storm towards Silarra...still just open.

Silarra smiles back over with more laughter. "Well then! Maybe it's my duty to help you learn to love snow. And cold. Just not ice cold." She notes with a shudder. Liniath, for her part, moves up closer to the pair, sticking her head down toward the cold snow with curiosity.

The boy smirks and rolls his eyes, "Oh really? Well if ya like it so much, maybe ya should be the one that's laying down in it." He teases, reaching forward with some of the snow still from his face on his hand to try and smoosh it in Silarra's face, grinning the whole way.

Silarra doesn't even duck away from the snow. She just closes her eyes and lets him smoosh it in her face. There's a smirk on her face as she does though. The greenrider steps back out of the way once she's all snowy, giving plenty of room for Liniath to try to knock Sho over with her muzzle.

Liniath, the gentle green giant. It certainly catches him off guard, seeing as he's to busy grinning at the snowy Silarra...although he does wonder why she starts to back away. But then before he knows it he's on his back, staring at the sky again. What is it with him and the ground these days? Oh well. "That wasn't very nice Liniath." He mutters as he picks himself back up again, dusting off more snow now that he was on the ground again. "You guys are awfully spunky today."

If a dragon can look amused, Liniath certainly does. The green keeps her head down towards Sho. Maybe she's waiting for another chance. Who knows? Silarra just smirks over. "We're enjoying the snow. The first few snows are great fun. Then it gets kind of mundane. Probably one of those crazy northerner things." But at least it's something Liniath and Silarra actually agree on.

"Yeah, definitely crazy." Sho says, leaning down to dust off his legs. He comes up with two loose snowballs and quickly hurls one at Liniath and the other at Silarra. They aren't thrown well since they aren't packed and thrown at the same time, so it's not going to be done very well. But at least he's trying...and he seems pretty happy about it, going so far as to childishly stick his tongue out at Silarra afterwards.

Hitting Liniath is rather liking hitting the broad side of a barn. The loose snowball splats against her side. Silarra dodges the badly aimed one sent at her before giving the green an amused look. "Get him for you? Why Liniath, I'd be happy to." She states out loud, for Sho's benefit. Then she's scooping up her own snowball and sending it flying back over towards Sho.

Sho's eyes widen at Silarra's words and he turns quickly to look for somewhere to hide. He fails to see anything and turns just in time to get the snow in the face again. "A'right, yer in trouble now." He says as he dusts his face off, then leans down to pack up some snow in a snowball and hurl it at Silarra. This one was much better aimed and put together.

Silarra doesn't even seem too phased when that snowball splats against her shoulder. She'll just duck down for another one sending it flying Sho's way with a laugh. At least the snow has her in a good mood. Liniath edges closer again, moving to try to knock Sho down into the snow once again. And this time? If she manages it, she'll keep her head close enough to keep him down there.

Sho has unknowingly started grinning at the play, ducking under the first snowball and sticking his tongue out just as he gets hit by Liniath instead and knocked to the ground with an 'oof'. He mock-glares at the green as she holds him down and he 'pounds' on her gently. "Hey! Tha's no fair!" He says, trying to look where Silarra is to see if she's plotting an attack.

Liniath seems not to mind the 'pounding' one bit. She'll just hover close enough to him to make it hard for him to get back up. No actual pressure. Just a dragon head 'there'. Whatever attack Silarra might have been plotting stops as she pauses to just stare at the green, looking rather dumbstruck. "You want what? You know this is /Sho/ we're talking about, right?"

The youth grumbles at the dragon as he tries to get up and...can't. "Hey, could ya move please? I don't like bein' a sitting duck. I mean...I know she's yer rider and all, but isn't this a bit unfair?" Sho asks, trying to look past the green to Silarra to see what advanced dodging techniques he might be able to use. Which knowing Sho is not many.

Liniath seems not too willing to listen to Sho for the moment. But apparently, she manages to win whatever disagreement she had with Silarra because the rider steps closer, with nary a snowball in sight. "I think Liniath might have finally lost her girly mind." The greenrider informs Sho. "But she says she won't let you get up until you say you'll stand for those eggs. Won't Taikrin just /love/ that."

More grumbling as Sho gives Liniath a shove to try and get her off, "Cheater." He says again, then blinks and stops as Silarra speaks. Then Sho looks at the green, befuddled. "Wait...what? She's right, ya remember it's me, right?" He asks, seeming confused by Liniath's choice as well. He stares at the dragon...waiting.

Liniath does back off enough for him to get up, but there she'll sit in the snow, looking pretty dang proud of herself. "Liniath seems pretty certain. And we do have eggs on the sands. Might even hatch dragons. You up for standing for them? If they hatch? It'll mean moving into the barracks. Doing chores. Candidate rules. All that good stuff. You up for it? Please say yes, so Liniath might stop giving me a headache." There's a smirk on Silarra's face as she goes all through that, moving to lean up against the dragon.

"So if I say I'll think about it, then that means she'll keep torturing ya?" Sho teases, pushing himself up again and looking over at Liniath, "Yer sure. I mean, I think I'm a good guy too, but...dragons?" He asks, shaking his head and grinning before he nods. "Alright, I can't doubt Liniath if she things so, so yeah, I will." Pause. "The chores can't be any worse then the stables anyways. It'll get me away from mucking fer a while." Another pause. "Wait, what rules?" He asks, scratching his head curiously.

"And keep torturing you until you give in and say yes." Silarra adds with a smirk. Liniath just croons proudly over to Sho. "She's sure." Silarra adds. "Cockily sure. And you'll have to be a good boy. Keep your nose pretty clean. No fighting. That sort of thing. Come on. Lets get your stuff moved into the candidate barracks then before they get start to fill and you lose your choice of bed."

Sho gives a mock sniffle at the 'be good' part of the rules. "Aww, but ya know how I like ta get the girls of the weyr beatin' up on me." He teases, stepping forward as he does so to reach out and try and wipe a little spec of snow off of Silarra's face lovingly. "I hope I can still see you at least. Otherwise I might just have ta say no." Teasing of course, a sideways glance given to Liniath as he says it.

Silarra rolls her eyes over to Sho, even as she lets him brush that snow off her face. "Well, I'm hardly going to disappear from the weyr. I do live here. You'll see me." She tells him pausing a second before she adds, "Doesn't mean you'll be able to sneak up to my weyr type of see me the same way. It'll be worth it though. Especially if you impress." This from the girl who often winces at her dragon. "And if you say no? Not saying you're getting any anyway. Not with Liniath in my head being annoying about it. That's totally not the kind of thing to put you in the mood."

Sho does really pout now, but nods, "Alright, well...if you say so. I trust you two, so it'll be okay." He says, then his grin returns, "And maybe...just maybe...I can still sneak up. Nobodies gotta know." He says slyly, leaning forward to try and give Silarra a little kiss before he looks up at Liniath. "Alright I accept. I guess I should go get my stuff outta the stables, yeah?"

Silarra returns the kiss before she grins. "Not like they're going to fire me or something." She jokes before she nods. "You should. Benefit of being searched early is getting your choice of beds. I'd go for a quiet corner. But near the door can put you in the middle of the action. But yes. Get warm and move your things. I'm going to go take this gloating green somewhere warmer for her bath."

Sho looks back to Silarra, amber eyes joyous. "Yes ma'am." He offers with a mock salute and a wink, taking a step back before he ohs and reaches down to one of his pouches on his belt and opens it, pulling out a small carving of Silarra sitting astride Liniath. "Here, I made ya this." It isn't nearly perfect, but it's not that bad either. "Never really had a chance ta give it to ya. Tried to the other day were a little drunk." Tinge of a tease in his voice at that. He offers it out to her before stepping back again. "Alright, you two take care of each other. I'm gonna go move my stuff." He offers, reaching out to pat Liniath on the side as he turns to start walking away.

Silarra takes the carving with a real, non-smirking smile over to Sho. "Thank you!" She calls after him as he heads away. And then Silarra is bringing it back to show to Liniath, talking softly to the green. "He can be sweet. Sometimes. And I was a /little/ drunk.'


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