Making Friends?

Jul 04, 2010 22:49

Silarra meets Sho in the stables and attempts to use her fists to show him why it's a bad idea to call her 'Little Girl.'
What a cold day it is. Even though the sun is shining through today, it's still colder then Sho had ever thought it could be by a long shot. And while the stables are warmer then the outside, it's still colder then he's used to. Thus while working on rubbing down a Runner, flicking off snow bits and giving it a good scrubbing, he is still wearing a jacket and is all bundled up. Stupid cold weather.

Silarra makes her way into the stables at a stroll. She's wearing a warm jacket and gloves, but she pushes off the hood as the weyrling starts in through the door. The gloves quickly follow, stuck down into the pocket of her coat. In the same move, Silarra pulls out an apple. There's a quick smile favored to Sho as she moves straight for the runner in the next stall, rubbing it's brown coat for a moment before she offers out the fruit.

Sho blinks his amber eyes as Silarra enters and passes, his brushing slowing as she stops in the stall next to him. "Can I help you?" He asks after a moment, wondering who this girl is. Seriously, nothing like just wandering in. Or maybe Sho's just grumpy from the cold. Or both.

Silarra gives the taller teen a look over for a moment before she shakes her head. "Nope. Seriously doubt that you can." It's said in a dry, sarcastic tone as she turns back to rub along the runner's face. "Not like I don't know my way around. Maybe I should ask if I can help /you/."

Sho narrows his eyes at the comment. "How'd you know I wasn't from here? It's not my fault if I get lost with the snow." He says defensively as he stares down at Silarra. "If ya don't have any business here you should leave." He says then, trying to recover from the unexpected comment.

"Because you certainly didn't work in the stables back when I did. Been more than a turn, but my memory isn't some kind of holey cheese." Silarra states before she just gives him a smile. "Why don't you go ask the stablemaster if I need to leave? Like he'd be worried /I'd/ mess something up." The arrogance in her tone is clear there as she turns back to the runner once again. "Just came to visit a few old friends." Which apparently number more among runners than humans.

Amber eyes narrow as Sho turns away from the Runner he's working on and crosses his arms with the brush still in hand. "You are rude! I think you should leave." He says seriously. "I don't wanna work here with some little girl being a pain in my side. Amd the stablemaster is out not that it would matter. If I don't want you here I'll just kick you out m'self."

Silarra steps back from the runner to put her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah? You? You're going to manage to kick me out all on your own?" Silarra snorts with disbelief before she adds. "Sure I'm rude. Been told that since I was old enough to talk." Silarra adds with that same dry tone. "Liniath gets to be the nice one." There's a pause for just a moment before she looks up to him in a clearly threatening way. "By the way? Don't ever call me a little girl again, or I'll make sure you talk like one for a month."

Sho takes the brush and puts it on the shelf next to the stall before stepping forward. Now really he knows that by using a dragon's name in such a way she's a rider of some sort, but it hasn't quite clicked yet. So instead he just steps up so that he's looking almost straight down at Silarra. "Yes I know I could you LITTLE GIRL." Extra emphasis on the insult. "So why don'cha just leave and save yourself some trouble."

Silarra steps away from the stall to a more open part of the stable with a smirk over to Sho. "Really? So you want to fight? Because I am totally down with that." There's a bigger smile on her face now than when she walked in even. "I love kicking the ass of people who think that being small means being a wuss. Bring it on." Her feet are set apart as she raises her arms, ready, and clearly with some idea of what she's doing.

While Sho isn't much of a fighter, he's not about to back down, especially not from this little shrimp. "I don't wanna hurt a girl, but I guess if I have to." He says, stepping forward towards where she is now and just standing there, as if he doesn't really expect her to do anything. "You should just leave." He says again.

Silarra isn't ready to make the first move, yet at least. Instead she'll wait, ready to go. "Oh yeah. Well then, stop thinking of me as some weak thing and try it. Or back off and know that I belong here as much as you do, little boy." The weyrling says, in a tone just chosen to egg him on.

Sho just shakes his head, his long runner tail of hair shaking as he does so. He simply reaches out to Silarra to try and put a hand on her head and just push her away. "Just get outta here before I hurt you."

Silarra reaches for that hand, twisting her arm around it to try to use that push to toss him to the floor instead. It's a move that seems practiced, almost instinctual at this point. "You. Hurt me. Right."

Oh what a lovely ceiling the stables has. And he feels so comfortable, yet somewhat hurting. It takes a second for Sho to realize he's on the floor on his back. Well, that was fast. He sits up slowly, rubbing his head and glaring at Silarra. Oh that's right...the little shrimp. "You just got lucky." He mutters as he starts to push himself to his feet.

Silarra lets Sho pull himself up without interfering. "Right. Luck. Want to try again? How many times will I have to land a punch or send you flying before you realize I know how to fight?" Silarra pauses a moment before she adds, with a smirk. "You know, they teach riders to fight. And toss around heavy things in midair. Even us short ones? We're strong."

Riders? Again it just doesn't click. Even though he stayed at Southern Weyr for a few years it still doesn't click. He charges forward this time, trying to tackle Silarra down, but not being a fighter it leaves him wide open to attack.

Silarra doesn't seem to care too much about landing too many punches. There's one aimed to his stomach, but then the rest of it is one again aimed towards using his momentum against him. Maybe it's a good thing there's straw on the ground. "Idiot boy."

First his air goes bye-bye and then he's staring at the ceiling again. It takes him a little longer to recover this time but he does eventually drag himself up. "Alright, I'm gonna have to hurt you this time." He says, coming at Silarra again, bringing his fist back this time to try and punch her. It's such a wide predictable punch, but it's better then what he's tried so far.

Silarra ducks out of the way, catching that punch on her shoulder instead of to the face. Then she's catching that arm to try to pull him close and bring a knee up. Maybe it'll hit the stomach again. Or maybe somewhere lower. Depends on how speedy Sho is at avoiding it.

Hey, he hit her. Hey, it's a knee...he realizes it at the last moment and does manage to avoid anything to precious getting hit. It does hit him hard in the stomach however, and no matter how athletic he may be, it still hurts. He falls to his hands and knees and the whole ordeal causes him to bite his lip, causing it to start bleeding. He just stays there for a moment, catching his breath and letting his eyes clear.

Hey, he hit her. Hey, it's a knee...Sho realizes it at the last moment and does manage to avoid anything to precious getting hit. It does hit him hard in the stomach however, and no matter how athletic he may be, it still hurts. He falls to his hands and knees and the whole ordeal causes him to bite his lip, causing it to start bleeding. He just stays there for a moment, catching his breath and letting his eyes clear.

Silarra takes a step back, out of his reach. She's shake her arm out for just a second, but then Sho is favored with a smirk of a smile. "So. Still think it's all luck? Or ready to admit that I'm not some wussy little girl before I /actually/ have to take a knee to your junk?"

"I think yer just really lucky." Sho manages to get out a few seconds after the knee. He remains where he is still, waiting a few more seconds before his hand closes on some straw on the floor and in one fell swoop he throws the straw towards her face and launches up to try and tackle Silarra down.

Silarra ducks under the straw, but it does distract her just enough to let Sho actually get her down to the ground. Momentum is her friend though, and Silarra knows just what to do with hit. She rotates as soon as she hits, trying to get herself on top. Once there? Now she'll finally aim a hard punch for his face.

Hey, he got her down. And then he's flying through the air again and she's on top of him. The punch hits the stunned youth and he looks up at her dazed, not minding the bloody nose. "Wow, ya do hit like a little girl." He says. Yes, he's a bit crazy, but he's not about to admit defeat.

"No! I hit like the woman who is about to beat your ass." Silarra states, digging her knees down into his stomach as she aims a punch right for Sho's chin. "I could do this all day. Wanna just give in? Or do you /like/ blood and pain?"

Sho flexes his stomach as she digs her knees in to try and ease up on that, catching the hit on the chin and looking back at Silarra, grinning at her despite the blood. "Nah, I wouldn't give in to some little kid." He says around the bloody nose before he puts his feet down and tries to bridge up quickly to toss her off. Granted he's a bit dazed at this point and he's not doing this at 100%, but he's trying.

"I'm probably older than you are, little boy." Silarra points out before she ends up flying off. It works to toss her off him, but not for much else. The weyrling rolls and comes up in a fighting crouch. "You're such an amateur. Don't pick a fight with a weyrling if you can't fight someone with some training."

Sho pushes himself to his feet again, blood pouring from his nose and lip. "Older or not, you're still a little kid. So short." He mocks, not exactly delirious but a bit wobbly on his feet. He hears that word again that says she has a dragon but he's beyond caring now. The runners start to get agitated by the scent of blood in the air, but are well enough trained to not bolt. "I'm still gonna hurt you." He says, stumbling forward a few steps and taken a drunken swing at Silarra. Apparently the beating is taking it's effect, but he's got a lot of spirit to keep on fighting.

Silarra steps out of the way of that swing pretty easily. "Seriously? Will you just give up before I have to haul you over my shoulder and off to the healers? Because Liniath is certainly not going to want to haul you, all bloddy and messy." She's not even aiming blows his way anymore, just avoiding his. "I'm a woman. We get to be shorter than men. Didn't your mother teach you /anything/ kid?"

Sho misses and stumbles a few steps, but collects himself at turns on Silarra again. He doesn't attack her again at this point, instead just kind of wavering on his feet. "No, my mom died when I was born. All I know is that if yer shorter'n me, you must be a kid." He says, the blood from his nose starting to make his voice sound funny. Seems his brain is a bit rattled, but he'll live.

Silarra moves off to the side to grab a cleaning rag and throw it towards him. "Stop that bleeding before you pass out." It's so thoughtful! Really! "Even without a mom, you ought to have noticed at /some/ point that women tend to not be as tall." Even if Silarra is on the short side for a woman. "I'm 16. How old are you? Kid."

"I just turned 15 a few days ago." Sho says, managing to catch the cleaning rag and looking at it for a moment as if it might be diseased or something. He finally starts dabbing at the blood he can taste near his mouth and ignores his nose that's pouring out blood. Besides not being able to breath through it he can't tell it's really bloody. "You still hit like a little girl."

Silarra rolls her eyes. "Maybe I should just take that as a compliment. Because if I hit like a little girl, little girls must hit pretty damn well." She looks over to that dabbing for a moment before Silarra shakes her head. "Pinch your nose with the rag and lean your head forward. You need to stop that bleeding. You're younger, FYI. So if I'm a little girl? That makes you like an infant."

"No I'm not, but yer still a little girl." Sho says. How's that for making sense. He takes the rag and looks at Silarra, then looks at the rag, trying to figure out what she means. His nose is fine, he's just had a cold...whatever. He starts dabbing at his mouth again, spitting out a little blood.

"Maybe you're just a mentally incompetent idiot. Because obviously you have no sense of reasoning." Silarra grabs another rag then shaking her head as she moves up to try to grab his nose with it and stop the flood of blood. "You have a bloody nose, idiot boy."

Sho was to busy dabbing his lip to notice Silarra coming at him until he grabs his nose and he jumps a bit...but she's got his nose, and he now realizes it hurts. "Ow ow ow..." he says, his voice coming out even funnier now as he kind of leans forward so he's within range of Silarra...since she has his nose and all.

Silarra keeps putting pressure on it, though the ows? Those get a grin. "Relax, idiot boy. I'm just helping, unless you really did want to bleed out so that I had to haul your sorry body to a healer."

Well Sho isn't exactly a wimp...but he's definitely not used to such things as pain and bleeding. He kneels down as she keeps the pressure on, keeping it within her range so she doesn't have to hold her hand up. His amber eyes look at her curiously now as he keeps the other rag on his lip. "Why are you being so friendly all'a sudden?" He asks, voice still rather comical with his nose plugged.

Silarra moves down a bit as well, so that she can keep that pressure on. "Maybe I just think you took enough of a beating to have learned your lesson. Or maybe I had fun doing it." There's a smile flashed with that. A real one. "That doesn't mean I want to spook the runners with all the blood. And it's Silarra, by the way. Better know who to say gave you the bloody nose and split lip."

Sho gives the girl a look that says telling was the last thing on his mind. "Why would I tell? It's just a fight." He says, caught off guard again by the smile. He can't help it, it causes him to smile a little despite the pain from his nose and lip. "Everyone calls me Sho." He adds finally.

"Because someone is going to notice that there's blood in the stables and that you're a freaking mess." Silarra points out. "But I guess you wouldn't want to tell anyone that a girl did this." She pulls the rag away for a second to see if the bleeding has slowed down any. "Sho. Nice way to meet you." And Silarra sounds like she actually means that.

"Yeah, you too." Sho replies. "I dun mind since I got beat by you. Yer just better'n me. I can accept that." He admits finally. A pause then as he wipes inside his mouth to get a bit more blood out. "Sorry I was such a jerk." He says quietly, "I just got here...I think the weather has me weird." His nose is already doing better, only a little to no blood dripping out. "I still wouldn't tell on you. I've bled more from getting kicked by a runner."

There's a big smile that spreads over her face as he admits that. "You know? You might be a keeper for the weyr. You can take a beating without turning into a blabbering, crying fool, and you can even admit when someone's better. Plus you like runners." That seems to be a big point in his favor. "You're not from somewhere cold? I grew up, well, in this cold part of Pern. Trader kid."

Sho shakes his head, giving a few experimental sniffs and spitting out some more blood. It all seems to be calming down however, and afte he wipes his lip again the bleeding has mostly stopped. There's still quite a bit of old blood on his upper lip however. "No, I'm from Southern. It never gets cold there. I've got sick a lot since being here running in the snow." He glances sideways at the Runners then. "I grew up around Runners. They're very easy to understand." He looks back at Silarra then, offering a little smile despite the drying blood. "I wouldn't ever tell on someone for a fight. It's part'a life."

"Yeah, I think it is, too! Not sure Meara's going to agree so much, if she hears about it." But Silarra doesn't sound /that/ worried. "You been bundling up? Got a scarf? That might help with the cold. I've never really lived anywhere warm. I'd probably melt. Maybe after we graduate, Liniath and I'll go explore Ista or Southern a bit. Just to see what the warm is like."

"Southern is very warm. I hear Ista is wet and warm. Not sure I'd like that." Sho replies, then nods at the questions, "Yeah, I gotta wear my tunic, two sweaters, and a big coat when I leave here just ta get back to the Caverns. But when I go running I get hot so I just wear my shirt. But then it gets cold." Such a predicament. Pause. "Wait, yer a dragon rider?" He asks, a tinge of fear entering his voice. Getting in a fight with a dragon rider is sure to get him in more trouble then just getting into a fight.

Silarra smirks over at that bit of fear before she just rolls her eyes. "I'm Silarra. Same as I was a half hour ago when you were throwing punches. But yeah. I'm a rider. Well, sort of. Liniath and I are still in training. She's not quite a turn old." Silarra shrugs. "I worked here before I was searched though. For awhile at least. Was out with a broken leg for a good chunk of it, meteor or bowl fell on me." There's a glance around the room. "Still like to come back and visit my favorite runners. You should wear something wool while you run. See if it wicks moisture better from your skin."

Her smirk and easy tone relaxes Sho back down and he just nods, "Well, sorry, I mean, I don't want to get in trouble from a rider or anything." He says, then lets out a big whoosh of air like he'd been holding in a breath. A pause as he finally stands and wipes at his mouth to try and get any remaining blood off. "Well since you know them well...maybe you can tell me a little about them. Might make it faster for them ta adjust to me."

Silarra tosses the rag she's holding into a pile waiting to be cleaned. "Ah, so suddenly being a rider makes me much more scary. I'll have to remember that." There's a pause where Silarra's eye lose a bit of there focus and then a snicker. "Liniath wants to know why she's scarier than me making your nose bleed." She moves over to the same runner she was patting before. "The brown girl is a real sweetheart. Treats are completely the way to her heart, and apples are her favorite. If we let her, she'd be so fat."

In a seemingly very good mood after that bit of fighting, Silarra is willing to go around and talk about several of the runners, sharing tips and tricks with the current stablehand. Then eventually, it's time to take off. Liniath always wants oil.


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