
Jan 29, 2010 10:45

Yesterday I made a big chunk of progress on Adam's web site. I'm still not pleased with the way we're doing it, but it's not my web site and I have a lot of other things to be taking care of, so the sooner this is off my desk, the better. Yesterday I put together four pages with all their links and stuff intact. Today I have to embed the videos on two pages and figure out how to do the two pages that will scroll. I'm sure it won't be complicated; it's just that I've never done this before. What I worry about is I've only been viewing my tests on Safari so far. I hope it looks fine in the other browsers. That will really suck if I run into those kind issues. I'm not sufficiently versed in how to fix those problems and our progress will see yet another setback.

I think I would like building web sites, but I've not really enjoyed doing it this time around. All of the conditions were sub-optimal (welcome to life) and when you have two people who know enough only to be dangerous, it's really frustrating.

I have to get started on wrapping up the 2009 numbers for the accountant. She let us know last fall that she doesn't make a habit of filing extensions (we do). I like that she doesn't. I don't like to file extensions either, but we can never seem to get our shit together. Every year I resolve to make it different and so far every year we've filed extensions. So much stress. Again, waiting for someone else to give me information that I can make sense of so I can give the accountant what she needs so she can make sense of it. Again, I'm the person in the middle. The one attempting to make sense of chaos.

I had no idea this would be my role in life. LOL! I'm not sure how I feel about that. But as I look back, I guess I always have been that person in the middle, translating the chaos for others to make sense of it. In broadcasting I had to take what my PD said and deliver it to the listeners. In journalism I had to wade through the BS that those in public office, or lawyers were telling me in order to deliver the "real" story to the readers. At the print shop I regularly was handed a File From Hell that wasn't set up anywhere close to being correct, much less printable, and I'd have to set it up and make plates for it so the end result was to the customer's liking. At the union, in both departments I worked in, I was always trying to re-build the process in order to track down missing information so I could do my job correctly and deliver the end result that was expected, whether it was missing files and insurance applications or trying to decipher Jack's hieroglyphics and antiquated language. So I guess this is what I do. I guess I'm good at it, whether it drives me crazy or not. I guess for now I will embrace it and just do it.

work, progress, life

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