Hmmmmmm again...for different reasons...

Jul 06, 2009 09:27

Over the weekend I noticed my eyes were extremely scratchy. It didn't really phase me because I have really dry eyes. Yesterday I started cleaning the bathroom and happened to look in the mirror as I was clearing off the sink area to clean and I noticed the bottom of my right eyeball was pretty red. Not like "you have bloodshot eyes" red, but like "when did I turn into a zomble from 28 Days Later?" red. Of course being a Sunday I just sat on it. I went to the health food store and got some drops for pink eye, assuming that's what it was, although I ran into some friends at the store who think that I ruptured a vessel in my eye or just "don't want to see something" in my life. Either way, that eye hurts and feels really dry and I keep putting those drops in and taking breaks with a cold compress across them. While only one eye is red, they both feel like my eyelids are made of sandpaper.

I went through this about five years ago. My eye didn't get as red, I don't think. I had just dropped a buttload of money on some new makeup. Christian Dior makeup. Like $50 just for a couple colors of eyeshadow makeup, $25 for eyeliner....that kind of money...and had to throw it all out. I only wore it for a week or so before I developed this condition. I was never the hugest makeup person to begin with, but since then I may have worn makeup about three when I was in my friend's wedding or something.

I'm not sure if I should go to the doctor or just keep doing what I'm doing. I get so weird about my eyes. I mean, who wouldn't? It hurts, but not horribly. Just in a way that I'm actually aware of my eye. Being a person who rarely gets sick, I guess I'm a baby when something IS "off". And as soon as I realize that, I try to turn it into an opportunity to be thankful for the majority of days when everything's just fine.

So I'm still trying to decide if I should call the doctor, and if so, should I go to the eye doctor or find a "regular" doctor (since I don't go to a "regular" doctor)? Our insurance doesn't cover times we're actually having a problem. It just covered preventative stuff, so if it is something I could treat at home am I gonna think the $90 is worth it? Ugh... Taking "care" of oneself should not involve such politics.

It's another really nice day. I never fertilized the gardens yesterday like I had planned, so I hope to get out there and do that today. I'm also about to work on some school things. As soon as the peas out back are ready to pick I can do my last gardening for nutrition class. They're still pretty flat though.

I also have to write up class descriptions for jewelry classes that I will teach at the gallery.

Time to work...

health, stupid doctors, to do list, stupid health insurance companies, life

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