Jul 04, 2009 13:16
Today has turned out better than I thought (so far). We won't be going to see our mom until later this afternoon. I never really knew what the "plan" was, and I guess it was to meet up a lot earlier today. Thankfully my sister filled me in last night. That meant that I got to go to the farmers market and stop in at the nursery earlier today and pick up some yummy organic food. We're having dessert at my mom's for her birthday so I got some organic blueberries and organic strawberries. I'm going to pick more raspberries in the back yard and take those too. My sister's buying or making an angel food cake so the cake eaters can have cake if they desire and the non-cake eaters can have yummy organic goodness.
I'd like to do some housework this afternoon but am not sure if that will really happen or not. I still need to eat more lunch.
While out and about earlier, my friend and I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some things that couldn't be had at the market or the nursery. Of course it was a madhouse, we expected that. There were 15 checkouts and 4 were closed, which made it even more difficult to bear when some loudmouth in the next line got on his cell phone and declared to the unlucky soul on the other end (as well as any of us in earshot) that he was "about to blow a gasket" over the fact that "with all these checkouts they have here, only half are open." Not only did Mr. Passive Aggressive express his dismay about the (inaccurate) "fact" but he also said that everyone else standing in line had just about had it too. To be honest, I've waited in line at the grocery store a lot longer on other occasions than I did today. And contrary to what he was blabbering to whoever on the other end, there were, in fact, baggers at each checkout. I tried the whole "send them good thoughts" thing I usually do to mean, cranky people. Unfortunately all it got me was calling across to the next checkout to my friend I was shopping with, asking her loudly how many checkouts there were and if half of them were really closed. She yelled back that it was more like a third, then corrected herself and said that there were, in fact, just under a third of the checkouts closed. We also started identifying all of the baggers in each lane. Mr. Passive Aggressive, Meet Mrs. and Ms. Passive Aggressive, I guess. But honestly, it really bothers me when people take the slightest inconvenience and make it out to be the biggest sacrifice mankind has ever known. I was surprised the store was even opened, and think about people in other countries who wait for hours for the meagerest (so what if that's not a word) of services or goods...things that we take for granted every day of our lives. It makes me sick. Mr. Passive Aggressive loudly asserted that it would be his last visit to that store, so I look forward to going back knowing that I won't be running into him again any time soon.
Ok, time to wash the fruit & throw some lunch together now that I got THAT out of my system.... LOL! Dude may or may not still be complaining about his horrible trip to the store, but that doesn't mean that I have to keep his memory alive now that I'm away from him, does it? Oy.
righteously indignant a-hole,