3 packages \O/

Sep 30, 2011 12:57

THIS MORNING I TOOK PICS \O/ After I puked that medicine out of my body ofc e_e ugh I felt so good when I woke up D: Then grandma forced the pill down my body and kdfjsgkjg ;O;

Pic spam under the cut, uhm, Sanosuke's magazine [Hakuouki] and the stuff I got from the AGF festival that happened previous sunday :] So like, Hakuouki, Starry Sky and some other stuff yay \O/

Finally my Sanosuke magazine !!!! @_@ I had to wait four months for it LOL, the other guys went first X_X Last one up is Kazama which I also want >:D This package had: magazine, pencil board, 2 keychains /o/ uhm and some cardboard with Sanosuke on so not throwing that away XD

A little disappointed with the magazine though DDD: It had nothing new in it ): Already released pictures of all the games, etc but I'm still glad I got this as I love Sanosuke ! I'll also get Kazama's but yeah I was hoping for something new-ish y'know ?

Everything together :DDDD

Rest of AGF 2011 under the cut /o/

JEWELCASE OF AGF \O/ !!!! akjfhsdhf I was so happy about this one until I found out [after the event] that Sakurage Mei didn't take part in it ;___; nuuuu 2,500Y for nothing [but pretty cover!?]

STARRY SKY CUPS :DDD They sold two different sets and I couldn't choose so I bought both *_*

KAZAMA *________* Merch stuff from Kazama :DDDD

And Sanosuke !!! :DD

Opened the booklets [idk how to name it @_@] and it had some pics in it .. idk if it are stickers, I'm not opening it, just gazing lovingly at it *_____*]

TOWELS of Starry Sky /o/ So the bags+towels+cups were 2 different packages D;


I also received candy :DDDDD

Other side /o/ Too bad Kazama isn't on it ):

How the candy looks like :DDD I haven't tasted it yet as right now I can't eat anything e_e but it smells nice :DDDD

LOOK AT THE PRETTY FLYERS :DDD And the round thing from Hakuouki. AND FLYERS FROM VIEWFINDER !!!!!!! I asked Akino if she could pre order the anime of Viewfinder for me *___* YAY SHE WILL :DDD I'll also order the second box of Supernatural the Animation then !!! /o/

Other side of some flyers /o/

THAT'S IT :D dude making these two posts costed me quite the energy @_@

fandom: fanfiction, posts: public, personal: pictures, anime: viewfinder, games: hakuouki, fandom: e-reader, serie: supernatural, fandom: porn, games: starry sky

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