look how fabulous

Oct 08, 2011 14:23

Received my Movie Paradise 15 package !!! /o/

Front/Back /o/ With 2 keychains ! One is for lotroth which I'll send her on wednesday with a get better card e_e so lol she'll wake up to Nejineji goodies /o/ ALSO, the proxy got me 2, next time imma ask her to just buy the whole bowl of keychains *SHOT* LOL

Image of the inside /o/

LOL, it's just, 95% porn, I luv it no I hate it, it's bottom!Jensen!!!! and and wow Jared's dick is just ............. HUGE and THICK and NEVERENDING *_* In it Jared is this rough dude that never stays in one place and fucks around and Jensen works in a gas station, Jared's motor breaks down and Jensen ~appears~ and tells Jared he can fix it so they go into this garage and then Jensen goes all NO I LIED, I JUST WANT YOUR MAGICAL COCK THATS WHY I LURED YOU IN HERE MUWAHAHA NOW GIVE IT TO ME

I might exaggerate a little, but that's just the details, no one cares about the details :DDDD

I find it kind of weird how this doujinshi still hasn't shown up on YJ btw..

fandom: wincest, posts: public, personal: pictures, actor: j2, fandom: nejineji, fandom: doujinshi, serie: supernatural

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