mini bb

Sep 28, 2011 10:59

Second entry for samdean-otp /o/ !!!

Title: OPT for the OTP (Or how Dean Winchester Holds the World in his Hand)
Author: storyspinner70
Artist: siiy
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Warnings: Top!Dean - Very Mild Blood Play - Excessive use of profanity. Some angst. Lots of silliness.
Summary: Sammy is back from Stanford, and Dean couldn't be happier. But when their next hunt ends up being something they have no clue how to fight, will Dean abandon a town in need to protect his Sammy?
Notes: My second entry for samdean-otp ! I had the luck again to do art for another top!Dean story, what made it even better was that after reading the story it reminded me so much of S1-2 again @_@ I really adore the story and suggest for everyone to check it out if you are just like me missing the S1-2 vibe !!! :D



Chapter Dividers:

graphics: header, fandom: wincest, graphics: exchange, posts: public, graphics: icons, graphics: gifs, graphics: general, serie: supernatural

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