The Friday Five on a Saturday

Jan 13, 2024 06:45

At least it’s something written down!

1. What is your current main mode of transportation? e.g. car, bike, subway, walking, etc. I ride a bicycle.

2. Are you satisfied with your current main mode of transportation (answer to question 1)? Why? Yes! I love riding everywhere. Just yesterday I went to the doctor’s and came home on a route that took me over a pedestrian bridge with a spot to stop and look at the water. It was a beautiful day and there were both common and hooded mergansers in the water below. I have only seen common mergansers once before (technically the same two pairs over several days), and never seen hooded mergansers. There were lots of common mergansers and the hooded mergansers came really close.

3. Do you think you'll change your means of transit soon? e.g. buy a car, get rid of your car, walk more etc.? If so, why? I just bought a second-hand electric Brompton (folding bike), so that should make some trips easier in summer. Eventually I will get rid of my car and buy an e-cargo bike, but probably not for a couple of years yet.

4. If time, distance and money were not factors, how do you prefer to get from point A to point B? It would be nice to have decent public transit in the city again. I love cycling, but when it is faster to travel 25 km on my old hybrid bike than it is to take the bus/LRT, we have a big problem. I would still prefer to bike, but I’m not getting any younger and it would be nice to have options.

5. What was your worst transit experience? There was that time my school bus got t-boned by a car, and the time I fell off my bike on the way to work (no real damage except to my dignity and panty hose), and the time I got winged by a passing bus, and the time I was squeezed into the curb by a moving van that went mostly past me and then decided to park (I slammed on the brakes and was okay). I mostly shrug off the close passes and guys (always guys, usually driving tucks as they cosplay being farmers in the city) screaming at me or giving me the finger for daring to be on the road. It has been a very long time since I have taken public transit, so all the times I waited for buses that never came have blurred into an amorphous memory and determination to avoid public transit whenever possible.


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