The Friday Five

Jan 26, 2024 09:07

1. Do you cook regularly or does someone else cook for you? I am definitely the cook in my house. My son sometimes cooks when he comes to visit, which is a nice treat.

2. Which are you better at making: sweet or savory foods? I definitely prefer savory foods so that’s what I cook most often. I can bake sweet, but don’t enjoy it as much. The notable exception is pie fillings, because my dad loves pie (I use commercial crusts because I’m lazy, even though they aren’t as nice as mine).

3. If you had to work as a chef in a restaurant of your choice, which restaurant would best complement your current culinary skills? It would be a small local place with a menu that relies on whatever is available from local farmers that day. The actual dishes would be an eclectic mix of cultures, with some fusion flavours.

4. What is a cooking tip that you know, but other people generally aren’t aware of? Have no idea. Maybe that if you remove the skins off chickpeas you’ll have fewer problems with gas? Not that I actually do it because I’m lazy. Also, people who eat a lot of chickpeas know this, so it’s not a deep dark secret.

5. Do you have a recipe you would like to share? I share my recipes all the time. I try to cook at least one new dish every week and I post my lists on my page (with sources and adaptations) reasonably regularly.


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