The Friday Five

Oct 27, 2023 07:20

1. Which website do you go to more often than any other? Sadly, that is probably Twitter. I got addicted just before Musk bought it and discovered a great local biking community plus some good COVID resources. And my city councillors are all there. I’m trying to step away, but it’s hard.

2. Which website have you stopped going to, that you used to go to a lot? Facebook. It’s where all my friends and relatives are, so it’s useful, but lately I find it pretty boring.

3. What is the weirdest or most unusual website you have bookmarked? Define weird.

4. If you shop online, which online store do you buy from most often? Amazon.

5. Which online store do you browse but almost never buy from? Also Amazon. I use it a lot to comparison shop and get an idea of prices. Then, whenever possible, I buy from my local shop instead.


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