So many interesting posts today

Jan 04, 2017 21:21

Everyone seems to be suffering with winter weather. Apparently it's a problem here, too. I got up from my desk at one point and there was no snow, but by the time I got part-way across the building, everything outside was hidden in blowing snow squalls. Less than an hour later, it was done. We had freezing rain yesterday, so a lot of people are without electricity (4,000 homes, I think) because trees and branches came down under the weight. I had good bus connections to work and a ride home, so I barely noticed the weather, except to admire it this morning:

Another shot from my front porch, looking up the street.

I'm feeling very tired tonight and can't decide on the cause. Is it because I took a sleeping pill last night and it is finally kicking in? Is it because I forgot my tea this morning? Or because I never got around to making a coffee at work? I suspect it's mostly because I had my coaching circle today and I got put on the spot for an air time and probing questions about my personal growth objectives at work for the next year. There are some painful truths I need to confront and I have work to do to build my skill set to make me a better leader. It was exciting at the time, but also draining. I need to set up a debriefing session with our leadership coach to drill down on skill gaps and how to address them. I'll do that tomorrow. For now - bed!

work, weather

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