(no subject)

Apr 10, 2007 23:02

I'm back 2 boring old Indiana...from the land of "over abundant jack rabbits" from whenceforth I have dubbed thyself queen!! no, not seriously...
Well, we saw "23" and "The Reaping" while I was there...both were excellent. Nathan's goin 2 c Reno: 911! Miami this weekend cuz it's playin on base *I'm so sad*

hmmm...what else? I'm fat & pregnant...*what else is new?* When Nathan & I were watchin "The Reaping" there was a really really loud part @ the end and she started moving like crazy & then when the noise stopped she quieted down but she had the hiccups :( I felt awful! Poor little thing was scared 2 death! We went NUTS buying her stuff @ the BX *base exchange* on Sunday!! I can't believe she's gonna b here n 6 weeks!

anways, nathan called so I hafta go...it's bedtime *j/k!*...but seriously, I hafta go. I got NO sleep last night cuz I stayed @ ye ole in-laws & SOMEBODY kept walking over the baby gate with his keys ajingle janglin & then he decided 2 play some hxc music real loud & leave the hall light on..........................actually I wouldn't have slept a wink if it were dead quiet & dark cuz I have this little human being that thinks I'm a punching bag growing inside me...but I thought I'd pick on u ne wayz *yeah, I'm talkin bout u*
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