
Mar 15, 2007 12:46

Once again I'm sitting n the library procrastinating on doing a "short critique paper of only 6-15 pages" HELLO?! How n the WORLD is that a SHORT critique paper?! I HATE that class c every fiber of my being "Understanding Nursing Research"...It especially sux cuz u can't even understand the prof. Her name is Hongxia (hong-sha) 4 the love of pete!
Holy cow...there r some UNATTRACTIVE AF's really quite sad. they walk like they're all that & I'm like "no...honey...u look like a boy..." so NOT attractive.
Every1 is so stinkin nice's like I've landed on a different planet or something. Nathan & I will b walkin around & every1 u pass says "good evening" & ppl r always stopping me 2 talk about bein pregnant & stuff. The other day we walked passed the beauty shop & this girl comes runnin out & she's like "when's the baby due?!" & I said "May 23rd" & she said "damn, I'll b deployed then. I was gonna say, we could run around town & party!!" They always say "ma'am" or "sir" too. It's so strange.
So yesterday Nathan & I were walkin 2 the mini mall 2 eat @ Taco Hell & Nathan saw some guy he used 2 go 2 high school w/and he sat behind him n SRT 4 2 years or somethin. It was crazy. Apparently the guy had just got here. He's active duty tho.
So mom called Nathan yesterday 2 have him tell me that Haggen is gone :( I don't think Nathan thought I would take it as hard as I did. I felt like an idiot cuz I just started bawling, right there on the sidewalk. Then Nathan felt terrible & was like "well we can just call the lady & get him back! Really, it's ok babe!" I don't want him back. I just want 2 know that he went 2 a good home & that he'll get taken care of & loved. :( So I had Nathan call mom back 2 find out more about the ppl who took him. I guess it's a lady whose best friend & mom both have Great Danes & she has two kids & she's going 2 keep him as an inside dog. I guess she brought her friend c her 2 b sure that he was full blooded & her friend took 1 look @ him & was like "yeah, he's DEF. full blooded" & so the lady got a huge smile on her face & was talkin about how beautiful he was. I guess Haggen was nice 2 them & was playin & when she opened up her van door he just jumped right n. I know it's 4 the best 4 every1 nvolved cuz he's going 2 a much better home where the ppl can actually take care of him & I won't feel so guilty about not bein able 2 go near him *he would try 2 jump on me & I was afraid he would get me n the stomach* but he was ready & willing 2 go so that made me feel better. So now we're considering keeping 1 of the puppies. But I guess our neighbor came over cuz he knew the 2 ppl that took Haggen & he showed them where we lived & they asked 2 c the puppies & the kid wants the black 1 & mom was like "No, she's not getting rid of them right now. They're not weaned & I know she's keeping 1 of them & I don't know which 1 so u can ask her when she gets home next week" cuz I guess the kid was adamant that he wanted 1 & was sayin that he would bottle feed her & stuff. But I don't want 2 give them 2 ne 1 that I don't know.
They're all over the place now, I guess. They run n2 the house when u open the porch door! They're such stinkers. I love them!
It's "1300" & I'm starving. I should probably walk over 2 Burger King & get somethin 2 eat but I'm 2 lazy. This stinkin computer weighs a ton!!
O well, I guess I have nothing more 2 say...............................
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