The First Date - Epilogue (Because we all know I can't count)

Nov 16, 2008 18:52

Throughout the trip up the stairs and down the hallway, Ianto tried to convince himself that letting Jack in (after the man practically professed his love of Gwen Cooper) was probably not the greatest idea in the world. Ianto was a rational man, a thinking man. He rarely bet, but when he did, it was usually on something low stakes - never on horses or poker or craps. Betting on Jack Harkness? Just like betting on craps. Ianto had an image in his mind - Jack, standing at a craps table, ready to throw the die to pick who he was going to be with. Of course, Ianto's rational mind thought back to all the relationships he'd had and lost (Tad and step-mam, Mam, Lisa, everyone at T1, his hampster, that goldfish that jumped out of his bowl), which didn't exactly bode well for Ianto's chances in this game of Craps love. Ha. Crap love. He'd made a funny. He'd tell Jack, but it certainly isn't in good form to tell the man who wants to sleep with you that being with him is akin to crap love. Not knowing the background to crap love, he'd probably take it the wrong way. Then he'd leave. And Ianto had been waiting an awfully long time for sex. Crap love or not, Jack was very, very, good at sex.

So caught up in his own thoughts, Ianto didn't realize that they had reached the bedroom until Jack had stopped them and was standing in front of him. Watching him. Concerned. That's when Ianto realized that he'd been awfully quiet for the past few minutes. He'd better say something.

As he started to open his mouth, Jack placed a finger over his lips.

"I know I have a lot to make up for," he began. "And I know that one night of sex isn't going to change anything between us. But I want you to know, come tomorrow, I'm gonna do everything I can to show you how much I want you. Will you let me take care of you tonight?"

Ianto thought for a moment. Crap love. Which number and color should he pick? Red 7? That's what everyone picks in the movies, very James Bond. But Jack looks bad in red. Blue then? But craps doesn't have blue. Then again, Jack isn't exactly ordinary. Blue then, definitely blue. Make it up as we go.

Ianto nodded and closed his eyes as Jack unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Jack then reached down and lifted the undershirt off. Once Ianto's chest was bare, Jack kissed a line from Ianto's neck to his belt. Watching Ianto from beneath his eyelashes, Jack expertly undid the belt and pulled down the trousers, thankful that Ianto never wore shoes in his home. He helped Ianto step out, then kneeled before him. Inch by tortuous inch, Jack pulled down Ianto's briefs, making sure to kiss and lick each area as it was exposed. He never touched Ianto's cock, though, preferring to torment the young man.

Once Ianto was completely nude, Jack stripped quickly. Making no noise, Jack softly pushed Ianto onto the bed. He laid Ianto on his back, putting a pillow under his hips. Standing there, at the foot of the bed, watching the noon sun filter through the red curtains and landing on Ianto's ivory skin, Jack pledged to spend the next few weeks showing Ianto exactly how much he meant. Dinners, movies, anything to get that unbelieving, melancholy look from Ianto's eyes. Today should be a happy day, the day when Ianto was finally free from Canary Warf. Jack resigned himself to ensuring that he made the rest of Ianto's day as special as it should be.

Getting on his hands and knees, Jack slowly moved up Ianto's body to kiss those pale pink lips. He placed a hand under Ianto's neck, pulling the man up. When they finally came back for air, Jack laughed at Ianto's dazed look. Glazed eyes, red swollen lips, and just a hint of a blush starting to creep up his neck....This was the way to spend an afternoon. Sod weevils and the Rift. Jack was taking a mental health day. Medicine of choice? One Ianto Jones.

Somehow Ianto had managed to blindly find some lube in the corner table draw. He wordlessly handed it to Jack, who took one look at it an smirked.

"Brand new?" Jack leered. "You were that convinced we'd have sex?"

"Yup," Ianto nodded quietly. Jack just smiled softly and leaned back on his knees, stradling Ianto's hips.

"Ok then," he said. "Thank you for letting me do this."

"Any time," Ianto smirked. "As long as you get on with it!"

Jack warmed some lube in his palm, making sure his fingers were completely coated. He'd spoken to Tosh before - apparently Ianto had been celibate the whole time he'd been away. There's been the occasional drunken wank in an alley, but no one had touched his Ianto there. Huh, 'his' Ianto. Felt good to say that. 'My' Ianto. Mine. All mine, there on the bed, legs spread, waiting for me. Waiting so long for me...

Keeping eye contact the entire time, Jack slowly moved one finger into Ianto's hole. He loved feeling Ianto's body relaxing around it. Other lovers always needed so long for preparation; it was as if Ianto's body knew Jack's finger and prepared itself. And, knowing the tech in Torchwood, that was entirely possible. A sentient hole? Nah, Jack preferred the romantic notion.

Slowly and carefully, Jack wiggled and extended his pointer finger, searching for that one spot that always sent Ianto over the edge. It took a moment, but suddenly Ianto was squirming and calling Jack's name, begging him for more, dear god more! Jack was, of course, happy to oblige. Another finger joined the first and then a third. Jack would have gone all the way, but Ianto was swearing at him in a multitude of languages, demanding Jack's cock.

"God Jack..please God...please now..." Ianto begged, his hips bucking off the bed and his hands clutched desperately against the silk (always the best for Mr. Jones) sheets.

"Are you ready, Ianto? I've waited so goddamn long for this," Jack whispered. Putting Ianto's left leg on his shoulder, Jack eased himself into position. As soon as Ianto felt Jack's tip against his hole, he saw stars. It had been so long, so fucking long...All those nights, alone, remembering...All those nights that muscle memory and ghost sensations kept him awake. All that time that...oh God he's in me! He's so fucking big!

"God Jack, you're...Oh god it feels so good!" Ianto called as Jack sheathed himself completely in one stroke.

Jack stilled, reaching up to cup Ianto's face. "You're so warm," he said, stroking Ianto's cheek. "So warm. Just like I dreamed.."

"Don't care!" Ianto growled. "Get on with it! God Jack, you''s..."

"Shhhh..." Jack said as he began to thrust slowly. "I know. Amazing, huh?"

"I will not add to your ego!"

"Hey!" Jack shouted idignantly. "What's that mean?"

Ianto rolled his eyes. "We all know you submitted yourself as the eighth wonder of the world. Took Tosh two hours to erase that from the UNESCO site."

Jack laughed. "I was bored. So sue me."

"They tried. And I will if you don't..Get..On ..With...It!"

Thrusting faster, Jack murmured, "Your wish is my command."

Jack continued to thrust, hitting Ianto's prostate on nearly every try. The man was reduced to monosyllabic phrases: "Jack!", "God!", "Please!", "Again!" And, Jack's personal favorite, "Duw!"

Finally, Jack felt himself beginning to lose control. Ianto had already closed his eyes, focusing only on the feeling of Jack inside him. He thought he had remembered, but God, the man was so much more in real life. Jack looked hungrily at Ianto's weeping cock. At this angle, his mouth was too far away. Not even Jack was that flexible, try as he might.  And Jack was certainly all for trying. Instead, Jack wet his hand with Ianto's pre-come. Starting at the root, he began stroking. Ianto wasn't far now. He bent down, taking Ianto's mouth. Suddenly Ianto was yelling his orgasm, his fingers gripping Jack painfully. It was the feeling of Ianto spilling over his chest that finally sent Jack over. One thrust, two, and he emptied himself into Ianto.

Jack collapsed onto Ianto's chest. Ianto was nearly gone, exhausted, practically asleep. Jack pushed himself up onto his arms, trying to pull out, but Ianto stopped him.

"Don't," he murmured. "Stay."

"We're dirty," Jack whispered back. "I"ll get a flannel and be right back."

Ianto shook his head. "Stay. Please?"

Jack looked at Ianto's face. Skin still flushed, his eyes were half lidded from orgasm and exhaustion. Jack softly pushed a lock of hair from Ianto's sweaty brow. Wrapping his arms around Ianto, Jack rolled them onto their sides, making sure to stay inside Ianto the whole time. If Ianto wanted the added security of Jack's cock to remind him that Jack was here, that Jack was staying, then Jack would stay inside him as long as possible.

Cradling Ianto's head on one of his arms, Jack placed a kiss to Ianto's neck. He sucked and licked, marking Ianto.

"Mine. My Ianto," he said before he himself fell asleep.

Ianto heard Jack's breathing even out. "Blue Crap love," he whispered. "I'll bet."

They slept.

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