Free Fall, Germany's answer to Brokeback Mountain

May 28, 2014 08:58

Free Fall: Vid and Trailer beneath the cut

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Comments 33

morrobay1990 May 28 2014, 16:33:22 UTC
Glad you posted, gotta get the word out, even though it was released in Germany last year.

Hanno was up for best actor for German Lola (Oscar-type) for FF on May 9, but didn't get it.

ETA: this version of A2L is by Florence & The Machine


sienata May 28 2014, 22:16:21 UTC
another sim to BBM - the resistant-to-love actor gets nominated for the top award but doesn't win. hmmm...

he did an excellent job. i'm not usually one to go to the extra step of watching a movie with subtitles but this was SOOO worth it. thanks for spreading the word. maybe a few more folks will get interested in it because of us.


morrobay1990 May 31 2014, 17:07:44 UTC
Hey, just wanted to let you know about a small thing, but it made a big difference to me.

When they're in the car after sex in the rain, Marc gets out and Kay says something: the subs have it as "that was really nice".

He really says "that was beautiful".


sienata June 1 2014, 01:33:59 UTC
that's interesting and yes, it does make a big difference to me. thanks for sharing that tidbit. i know we missed a lot of stuff by only getting to watch subtitles, but that's just life. i wish they'd make subtitles for that other Max movie you rec'd me. i'd really like to watch it as well.

you should come back and tread TMN1966's (terri's) comment about FF. she watched it and had some good feedback. :)


tmn1966 May 28 2014, 17:07:33 UTC
I saw this on Amazon while searching for something to watch but I wasn't sure. I put it on my watch list so now I know I definitely need to see it!

Thanks for posting this!!


sienata May 28 2014, 22:14:31 UTC
yes, it's a very good movie and i will watch it again for sure. i've watched the vids several times. i like the music AND the pictures!! =D

let me know what you think.


tmn1966 May 31 2014, 18:31:45 UTC
I just finished watching the movie. First off, I really liked the movie. The music reminded me of BBM and I thought it added to the grief of the movie. Secondly, I agree with a lot of what you and morrobay have opined about the movie.

My take on it was that Marc did love Bettina, perhaps he wasn't in love with her any more, but she was pregnant with his child. From what Marc's mom said that they didn't raise him that way, I saw that as one of the reasons that Marc didn't outright want to leave Bettina. He saw a duty to her and his child - that's the way he was raised. I'm not sure how his mom meant it - whether she was saying 'we didn't raise you to be a homosexual' or that it was more of 'where's your sense of responsibility?' and/or 'you're not supposed to cheat on your girlfriend'. She was thrown a curve ball for sure, she had no reason to think that her son was gay (or bi) and obviously was so happy to be a grandmother that perhaps she saw this as screwing up that grandparent relationship. It might be that my job has colored my ( ... )


stargazer60 May 28 2014, 22:30:05 UTC
I have seen this movie. I liked it but think Marc got what he deserved at the end. He treated both Kay and his girlfriend horribly and deserved to be alone.

Did not have the same affect on me as Brokeback Mountain did.


sienata May 28 2014, 22:48:21 UTC
i kinda think marc got what he deserved at the end, but i liked that it was an open ending with potential for him to improve. that's kinda how i saw bbm: ennis never did alma or jack right in the movie. i used to want to write a story starting up when jack got the divorce card. we do have one wonderful story starting at that point: If I Asked. i think the ending of BBM was so powerful because Ennis only seemed to realize his loss in the face of Jack's death. the ultimate tragedy.


morrobay1990 May 29 2014, 04:38:04 UTC
I have a different outlook on Marc, and don’t see the ending as him getting “what he deserved”.

So here he is, straight guy, middle class family, pregnant girlfriend, and he’s making a life with her. He didn’t go looking for this, Kay came after him with both guns blazing, he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew Marc was in a committed relationship, knew he was an expectant father, but wanted him enough to turn Marc’s life upside down.

I don’t think either was to “blame”, although Kay is generally seen as the one who is “wronged” by Marc (and Bettina, of course) and he seems to get a free pass, even though he is the one who pursued Marc. Kay must assume some of the responsibility for the outcome.

Hanno Koffler played this character so well that, even though I lost patience with Marc sometimes, and wanted him to make up his mind one way or another, I still felt compassion for him. He was being torn in two directions. He wanted to do right by Bettina and the baby, he tried to leave Kay more than once, but his feelings were ( ... )


sienata May 30 2014, 03:43:51 UTC
you have a more sympathetic view of Marc's situation, which i actually share, but which you really have to think about to arrive at ( ... )


red2blue May 29 2014, 07:43:22 UTC
I watched the movie twice and liked it enough to watch it again (when I find the nowadays elusive free time!!). Thanks, morrobay for the reference.

I suspect Marc is a bi rather than a 'straight' gay like Kay: he loves both Bettina and Kay, enjoys sex with both; but obviously loves Kay more, thus the sex seems to be much better for him too. This kind of things can happen to anyone (I mean loving 2 people at the same time!) and I can see why it is so hard for him to choose. And of course in this case it's even harder because Kay happens to be the same sex as himself.

A very good movie, great acting and I definitely would like to see a sequel.



sienata May 30 2014, 03:51:06 UTC
marc did seem to really enjoy sex with bettina.

when i think about ennis and alma, i think ennis was just going along with the program laid out for him, and yeah, sex with anyone was great compared to no sex. marc seemed more into it. maybe he's just more open about his pleasure and more interested in making her happy. maybe he never even thought of having sex with a guy but once it presented itself via Kay, then he realized, hey, this is even more awesome.

i would love to see a sequel. lets keep our fingers crossed. :)


soulan May 31 2014, 13:56:15 UTC
I've been too busy to pay attention to this movie but in a week I'll be going away for the rest of June and will have the time (and privacy) to indulge in multiple viewings. Seeing these vids makes me wonder what Brokeback Mountain would've been like if it had been made 10 years later than it was.


sienata May 31 2014, 14:35:45 UTC
as you can tell from all the discussion Morrobay and i have been having, we've really enjoyed the movie. there are so many parallels to BBM but i don't think (emphasis on think) those are intentionally done. Morrobay posted an interview on her LJ with the director and Hanno and they didn't set out to make German BBM altho that's mentioned in the trailer, which is why i entitled this post the way i did.

but regardless, it's a good movie on it's own, comparisons or not, and the love scenes are very emotional. i also wonder what BBM would've been like if it had been made today, or if J & H had made a more modern movie back then. setting BBM in the 60's and 70's limited them if they wanted to keep it real, imo.

please report in with your thoughts of on the movie!! and enjoy your vakay. :)


soulan May 31 2014, 15:30:54 UTC
I don't think it was the decades BBM was set in that limited how real it could be but rather how (American) audiences would react to the m/m sex/love scenes. I believe if it were filmed now Ang Lee and the writers could've shown more of their physical relationship without freaking out any more (American) people than they did in 2005. (Germans are way more used to seeing explicit sex scenes of all types.)


sienata June 1 2014, 22:32:37 UTC
i guess you're right. it's hard for me to realize it's been so many years ago, but filming in 2005 makes it nine yrs, and that;s a long time. also, we are so uptight about sex in this country. we haven't evolved as far from our Puritan roots as we should have, imo.


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