Curious comments, Game of Thrones

Apr 02, 2013 18:01

I had a strange comment on A03 today, on an old Mentalist fic - a very porny one. The person said it was well written but creepy, because some of the sex basically showed I was a woman under the evil patriarchal influence of mainstream porn. I am perhaps reading between the lines a little bit - but not that much.

So that was strange. Generally people floating in to read appropriately signposted porny stories don't object to stuff like that.

I'm still slowly making my way through Game of Thrones season 2 as my Tumblr explodes with season 3. I don't care about spoilers, so I sort of get to watch it in small chunks despite not having HBO or the willpower/desire to torrent. (Although I guess most people watch a livestream? Which I guess isn't like torrenting? Maybe? Whatever, I'm old.) Anyway, I continue to teeter on this edge where I'm interested in the show but not really, since I've given up on the books at this point and don't really feel like swimming too long in the grimdark world of GRRM. I'm not gobbling down season two, but watching an ep every now and then. There are people whose stories I want to follow - mostly the ladies - but I'm so bored with the majority of the Jon "Help I'm a spectator in my own story" Snow thread. And I like Dany (and like looking at Jorah) but their story is so long and boring and maybe it'll be fixed for the better in the show? Except part of me is satisfied with just looking at pretty gif sets and leaving it at that.

That was a lot of words to indicate how ambivalent I am about something.

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