Not a bad dream to have at all

Apr 06, 2013 14:57

I keep a dream journal, just jotting down basic notes on some of them. The first one, a comically tiny notebook a friend brought me from Mexico (complete with luchador on the cover) is now full, thanks to the two dreams I jotted down this morning. The second one involved sitting around a crowded conference table, wearing big headphones, at some sort of meeting. The nice part about this is that I was sitting next to Nathan Fillion, and sort of leaning against him in a friendly fashion. He was warm and solid and it was very nice. I had some sort of conversation with him, but it didn't survive the waking-up process.

Much nicer than the previous dream, which involved microwaving whole frozen fish for a falcon I was caring for at some sort of crazy pet store.

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bits of happiness, i found it funny

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