
Feb 15, 2008 17:20

so sinus infection and possible flu.  that's what dr. smith told me today at 'round 10:30am.


i don't even know what to do today...i'm not going anywhere, but i have nothin' really to do and everything hurts....especially my back.  i don't know if that's a part of my sick, but damn, it hurts so bad.  like it's out of alignment.  : (

z said that he threw up, but not cause he was nauseous, but because he felt it'd help.  i don't wanna throw up...but i figure it can't hurt.  actually, i keep having a vision of me doin' the deed then passing out into the toilet or next to it, hitting my head, etc.  what a fun vision.  but i'm gonna do it soon if i don't start feeling better (i won't, so it's happening.  tonight.  maybe when eric has gone to boston, at 6.)  yeah.

i just wanna talk to people and do stuff and not be hurty.  but i am.  and nobody's talkin'.  i'm tired, but i can't sleep.  also i consistently have to pee, on account of the bottles of water i'm downing.

yuck, this entry is no fun.

haiku time

such awful mucus.
filling my poor head with sad
please, mucus.  no more.
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