i made a messenger bag in costume lab. it's nice and i like it. and here's a picture of it: (taken with my mac's isight camera, not the best quality in the whole world)
and here's another picture...this time of the lining, which is golf-themed
and the outside fabric is a...a sorta leathery texture...it's nice.
yep. so that's that. i just took those pictures whilst at my post in the reserve department of the library.
as for the rest of my life, it seems to be going by well. i'm currently listening to someone else's music library through itunes.... more specifically, "miami" by will smith. mmm.
i bought a new laptop! i don't know if you've heard or not, you likely have, but i bought a brand new macbook. and it's really really nice. the keyboard is still taking some time to get used to, but it's really nice. it's white and small and makes me quite happy. mm.
tomorrow i have my big costume history exam to pass in, as well as a notebook to accompany the exam, as well as a paper, and more than likely a presentation for that same class. greeeeaaaat. i was supposed to have all this crap due on thursday but we had the big ol storm so it's take home instead. also tomorrow is my directing final at 11:30, i'm acting in two scenes and i have one scene which i directed that's going. shouldn't be too bad. then after that i only have one more final, for acting...then i'm done!
done done done!
hooray. so that's what's up. well, now that i've updated, i'll see you folks in a month or so, probs.
: )