
May 30, 2021 17:18

Absolutely perfect day! Sunny, 70, cool breeze and a warm sun on your face and skin. I decided after breakfast to go out on my Pashley, go north along the river. I played my jazz playlist, and kept coming back to two records:

Just perfect. I even did a bit of reading there where I stopped.

Sadly, it wouldn't last. Never does... Got home to find my upstairs neighbor had set up a grill on their deck. Though (shockingly) not illegal in this city, it is prohibited by the lease. know, COMMON FUCKING SENSE! I had words with her. She moved it. Dagger eyes. Like I give a fuck. I'll email the landlord later. Not that it'll do any good... And if that doesn't work, I'm all Chicago, I know shit goes missing, or, you know, gets broke into a billion little tiny fucking pieces. I mean, it's the city, shit happens, you know? ...Motherfuckers...

ANYWAY, despite the assholery, it's been a really nice, relaxing weekend. The Chelsea, the nice ride, the chilling out. I even lost some weight! I'm feeling good. I'm going to keep on this diet. I like what it's doing. Well, I did have some pizza yesterday with the match, and there might be some leftover, but, APART from that... LOL Even as far as that goes, though, time was I would have eaten that whole thing n one go, but now it's three meals. Baby steps, but I'm working on it.

I'm binging Gunsmoke at the moment. In my happy place.

tv, mccoy tyner, jazz, pashley, cycling, westerns, brooks, bikes, pandemic, music

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