Absolutely perfect day! Sunny, 70, cool breeze and a warm sun on your face and skin. I decided after breakfast to go out on my Pashley, go north along the river. I played my jazz playlist, and kept coming back to two records:
Just perfect. I even did a bit of reading there where I stopped.
Sadly, it wouldn't last. Never does... Got home to find my upstairs neighbor had set up a grill on their deck. Though (shockingly) not illegal in this city, it is prohibited by the lease. Plus...you know, COMMON FUCKING SENSE! I had words with her. She moved it. Dagger eyes. Like I give a fuck. I'll email the landlord later. Not that it'll do any good... And if that doesn't work, I'm all Chicago, I know shit goes missing, or, you know, gets broke into a billion little tiny fucking pieces. I mean, it's the city, shit happens, you know? ...Motherfuckers...
ANYWAY, despite the assholery, it's been a really nice, relaxing weekend.
The Chelsea, the nice ride, the chilling out. I even lost some weight! I'm feeling good. I'm going to keep on this diet. I like what it's doing. Well, I did have some pizza yesterday with the match, and there might be some leftover, but, APART from that... LOL Even as far as that goes, though, time was I would have eaten that whole thing n one go, but now it's three meals. Baby steps, but I'm working on it.
I'm binging
Gunsmoke at the moment. In my happy place.