one step closer to you chap20

Aug 25, 2012 17:20

Title: One Step Closer to You
Pairings: Yama,  Junba, Ohba (friends), Sakumoto(friends)
Genre: smut, humor, romance, mpreg
Rating: NC-17
disclaimer: if they were mine i wouldnt be typing stories about them in bed instead i would be posting videos of it 
Note: special thanks  baboy_19 who helped me come up with the genres when i had no idea what to write
Summary:  when ohno meets his new boss he starts liking him immediately, while his boss, sakurai sho, likes teasing the cute man to no end

Aiba opened the door sleepily when he saw Ohno's tearstained face “I-I'm sorry but I have no where ease to go.” He started crying again and that’s when the taller man let him in.  He sat on the couch with his bag and Aiba got worried “what happened?” he asked and Ohno looked at him solemnly “we…had a fight.” He said and Aiba gasped as Jun came down the stairs wearing only some pajama pants.

“What’s wrong?” he asked but Aiba ignored him.  “Well what did you two fight about?” Aiba asked and that’s how Jun figured out what happened and sat in the chair across the room.  “Well when I came home he was sitting on the couch and was saying how I didn’t return any of his calls.” Ohno said and Aiba stayed quiet and listened “and then he thought I was cheating on him.” Ohno said and anger grew in Aiba.

“How could he even think that?” Aiba shouted “anyway one thing led to another and I just left.  I couldn’t stay there if he can't trust me.” He started to tear up again and Jun sighed.  “Well you should’ve called him.” Jun said but earned a glare from his wife “he was at the doctor’s office.” He said and Jun looked at him.

“Well, you should’ve told him that.  He gets overdramatically worried you know.” He said but Aiba glare didn’t let down “we couldn’t he’s pregnant and Sho doesn’t know about!” he shouted and Satoshi looked up at Aiba quickly as Jun gasped.  “He’s….pregnant?” he asked making sure he heard things right.

“Yes, and he didn’t want to tell Sho yet.” Aiba said and Jun sighed “okay, fine I’m sorry.  You can stay here as long as needed.” Jun said “don’t worry about Sho.  Surprisingly he gets a little insecure about you, as he worries if you really love him or not.  He just doesn’t want you to leave him.” Jun got up and patted his hair.  “Alright oh-chan let’s go to bed okay.” Aiba said pulling the shorter man with him towards the stairs.

“Wait where is he going to sleep?” Jun asked and Aiba looked at him like it was obvious “with me.” He said and Jun just stared at him “what about me?” “couch.” Aiba pointed and left his husband to himself.  “s-sorry, I can sleep on the couch.” Ohno said but Aiba wasn't having it “no! You’re almost four months pregnant no way!” he denied his suggestion as he laid down and patted the bed.

Ohno just got under the covers as well and soon the friends found themselves cuddling next to each other like old times.  “I’m sorry.” Ohno apologized again and Aiba just smooth his hand through Ohno's thick black hair “you’re my best friend so I would do anything for you.” Aiba said and soon both men were asleep in each other’s arms.

The next day at work Ohno had bags under his eyes as Aiba held him close and Jun just followed behind.  Ohno tried being polite and say good morning to everybody but when he looked up he saw Sho.  Sho stared at him blankly as he held his head down and Aiba snorted and turned his nose up pushing Ohno in his seat.

Sho looked at Aiba before trying to walk up to Ohno when Jun stopped him “we need to talk.” Jun said pulling Sho by his shoulder.  Once in Sho's office Jun closed the door “you shouldn’t just assume things.” Jun said and Sho just looked at him.

“You hurt him you know that?” Jun said calmly knowing Sho is sensitive about his relationship with Satoshi.  “I called his phone for hours and he’s been acting funny towards me.” Sho said sitting in his chair as Jun leaned against the door.  “I can understand that but he’s extremely sensitive right now.” Jun said and Sho lifted an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” he asked and Jun just sighed “I mean just be careful of what you say.  Even if he finds you to be the most wonderful thing in this world he doesn’t think he deserves you.” Jun said which was true as Ohno always doubted whether he was good enough for Sho but he always tried pushing those thoughts to the back of his head.

Sho looked down “he’s staying with me and sweetie but you need to talk to him soon just maybe not right now, he’s still upset.” Jun said and Sho got quiet.  Seeing Ohno and Sho not talking to each other gossip started spreading quick and Yuki found it as an opportunity.

“So, seems like your little Sho-san is free now.” She said twirling her hair and smirking.  Which didn’t help and Aiba got defensive “stay away bitch!” he shouted and Yuki eyes widened “shut up whore!” she replied and Aiba just laughed “at least I have a ring on my finger.” He said and Jun just rubbed his temple not wanting to deal with this right now as his back was aching.

“Doesn’t mean you're not a whore.” She continued “but now that you and Sakurai are done, maybe I’ll just pay him a visit.” She said and Ohno looked up.  Even if he wanted to defending anyone or himself for that matter was hard for him.  He watched her sway her hips over to Sho's office and closed the door.

Ohno looked down and Aiba just frowned.   “Don’t worry.” Jun walked over and ran his hands through Ohno's hair “Sho's upset so she has no luck.” As soon as Jun said those words a crash was heard and soon the door opened.  Sho held the door open without any emotion “Get the fuck out and don’t expect not one goddamned paycheck from me again."  He said calmly and the girl left.

Jun looked she must had mention Ohno instead of just flirting with Sho but either way wasn't too smart.  She pouted and walked out.    All day it was still awkward between Sho and Ohno and Nino was most certainly confused.  “I don’t get it did you tell him?” he asked and Ohno shook his head “so why are you two not talking?” he asked and Aiba shooed him away earning a pout from his thin lips “why don’t anybody tell me anything?!” he shouted.

Soon the day was over and Ohno moped all night, but he was so silent and sad looking that he didn’t bother anyone and no one bothered him.  “What are we gonna do?” Jun asked already wishing the short man was gone so he could get in bed with his wife “I don’t know, why?” Aiba asked and Jun blushed “because I kinda wanna play with you.” He said and Aiba just giggled “well, we can” he said and Ohno was sitting in the corner hugging his knees.

Aiba looked at the poor figure and tried to ignore his urge to go hug him.  He doesn’t remember seeing Ohno like this.  Ohno never let himself think that he was wanted and kept a certain distance when it came to his other boyfriends but Sho was different.  He loved Ohno and Ohno fell hard for him.  “Go ahead.” Jun said as he caressed Aiba's neck with his index finger “you sure?” he asked cautiously and Jun just smiled “you two are like brothers go ahead.” He said and Aiba flashed a shy smile before walking over to Ohno and curled up next to him.

“Hey.” He said and Ohno smiled “hi.” He said but quickly looked back to his knees.  The two stayed silent as there weren’t many words that needed to be expressed before Aiba spoke up “so…how’s the baby?” he asked and Ohno looked at him “he’s fine.” He smiled and Aiba smiled “I think I’m gonna have twins.” He whispered into Ohno's ear.

“Really? That’s gonna be tough.” He said and Aiba just smiled “did you already think of a name?” Aiba asked placing his hand through the tiny space between Ohno's stomach and his thighs to feel the growing bump.  “I don’t know yet I….” Ohno looked away “was wondering what would Sho like to name him.” He said and Jun watched the men in the corner.

That’s when Ohno looked up at “when are you gonna tell Jun.” Ohno whispered quietly and Aiba then thought about it “after I can't have any more sex.” He said and Ohno laughed “wouldn’t your stomach be too big by then?” he said Aiba thought about it.  “Hm? True.” While the two pregnant men laughed away Jun texted Sho telling him how Ohno really misses him. 
A/N: here's chap 20,  sho and ohno are still not talking to each other and yuki is finally fired....yay...and nino is left out of everything.  enjoy share thoughts or complaints i'm so freaking tired so back to sleep i go.

g*: friendship, p*: yama, p*: junba, g*:romance, t*: one step closer to you, g*:mpreg, l*: multi, fanfic, g*: fluff, g*: drama, g*:angst, r*: pg-13

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