[Hetalia] "Irish Eyes are Smiling" St. Patrick's Day Fic

Mar 17, 2011 10:06

Title: "Irish Eyes are Smiling"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: America, Ireland (OC)
Prompt: 5. Holiday @ 25FluffyFics, 14. Green @ fanfic100
Word Count: 731
Rating: PG
Summary: America and Ireland decide to explore the American pubs on St. Patrick's Day and remember how they once felt about each other.
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia
A/N: For some reason my characterization ended up a little wonky (but that might have been the fact that I wrote this originally in a Denver Irish Pub :P )

America couldn’t help but smile as he watched her dance on the stage. Her feet were a blur in the traditional steps of Irish dance. The music played and she stepped and kicked, executing each move with practiced grace. If anyone was going to be a master of Irish stepdancing, it would be Ireland herself. America was just as entranced as the humans around him. He had managed to acquire a beer, since France was not around to treat him as though he were truly underage. He sipped the beer slowly, watching the red-brown haired, green eyed beauty on the stage.

When the song ended riotous applause arose in the small American-Irish pub set in the backstreets of Denver, Colorado. Ireland bowed and skipped off back to their table, sliding onto the stool and taking a large gulp of her own drink. She smiled at America and he smiled back. They had not spent St. Patrick’s Day together in decades, but this year they decided they would. Although she liked to tease America for his “wannabe” Irish, she couldn’t help but admit the Irish-Americans knew how to have a good time. On Saturday they had watched the parade, in Denver it was a community cultural parade and she had laughed at the number of nationalities presented. She had teased America about how Germany or Scotland would feel about being included in an Irish event, and he had just shrugged, grinning at his people’s antics.

They had decided they would spend St. Patrick’s Day exploring many of the pubs and other themed bars in Denver for there were many that Ireland had never seen. She had laughed at some and admired others. They were now in another tavern and had been grateful to the fact that it took a lot of alcohol to make a country tipsy. When the band started up Ireland had gotten the urge to dance to the band that was playing. The dance being finished they now sat in good humor at the table once again.

“Erin, I must say that I’m surprised you can dance so well after you’ve drunk so much!”

“You should have danced with me, Alfred.”

“Yeah, right.”

“I did teach you.”

“I maybe remember half, I’ve learned far too many cultural dances over the years, they all don’t stick in my head.”

“You’re dancing with me at the next one.” She gave him a mock threatening glare.

“Alright, you win Emerald Isle.” She smiled and leaned across the table towards him as if sharing a conspiracy.

“I need your help.” she spoke softly, barely audible over the sound of the bagpipes that had started up. He leaned closer in order to hear her better.

“What do you need?”

“You see those lads over there?” She tilted her head slightly to indicate the direction. America looked over and saw some boys who looked college age, two-fisting beers, and looking very intently in Ireland’s direction.


“Make it look like I’m yours.” She smiled at him. It was a look she had given him many years ago when she had come to check on the Irish immigrants, and had stayed with him for several weeks. It was a look that had caused him to give part of his heart to her. She leaned even closer to him and he closed the gap quickly, his lips pressing into hers. She tasted like Irish whiskey, and America drank her in. The kiss lingered longer than it should have, for when they pulled apart they were both flushed and could not look each other in the eye.

America cleared his throat, “Looks like we got rid of them.”

“Seems so.” She twirled on of her errant curls around her finger, America grabbed the fidgeting hand. He seemed unsure what he should do with it after he caught it and he stared into her bright green eyes. He let it drop, surprised at his own action.

“I’m glad you came to visit me.”

She smiled, “Me too, it’s been too long.” With one hand she gently touched his cheek before reaching up and tugging on the errant hair that always stuck straight up, causing his face to flush a new shade of red.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he asked, stumbling a bit over the words.

“Please.” she said, Irish eyes smiling.

character: america, fanfic100 challenge, 25 fluffy fics, character: ireland, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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