Songs Meme - Axis Powers Hetalia

Mar 16, 2011 22:41

Saw a few people had posted a songs meme, and I thought it was fun, so I gave it a try. However, I think my itunes was conspiring to make me look like a total dork with the song choice...

Title: 10 Songs Meme
Author: shuriken7
Characters/Pairings: 1. Prussia, Germany; 2. Japan; 3. Canada, Cuba; 4. France; 5. England, America; 6. England, America; 7. Germania, Rome; 8. America; 9. America; 10. Romano, Spain
Word Count: 1, 260

Song Meme

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble. You start when the song starts and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia

1. As Easy As Breathing - Eclipse Soundtrack (don’t judge me!)

It was simple, Prussia liked it when things were simple. That he could stand here on the battlefield and defeat his enemies, laugh in their pathetic faces and return home triumphant. He especially loved the look on Austria’s face as he lay on the ground defeated. It was lovely, he needed a painter.

Yes, the battlefield was a place where life was simple, and easy. Swift blows, fast blocks, make a mistake and it’s the last one you ever will. It was at home things got complicated. Back into the home with brothers that you were never certain if you should help them or leave them behind to rot. It was tough, to look into the eyes of his youngest brother, a picture of innocence now, and wondering if one day he would have to betray him.

2. The Dragon Boy - Spirited Away Soundtrack

Little Japan had awoken into an amazing world. A world that was filled with creatures of all kinds of interesting traits. There were the wise dragons that lived in the rivers. There were the tengu guardians of the mountains where his people would build perches to warn the unwary traveler of the trickster spirits. There were clever kitsune that one must make certain to never trespass upon.

There were also nature that was simply fantastic. The angry mountains would spew their fire sometimes, showering the land in fire. Yet, these same mountains created landscapes where elegant trees would grow, and share their beauty and color in every time of year.

3. Cantina Band - Star Wars Soundtrack

After the awkward moment of being mistaken for his brother once again, Canada was really enjoying his visit to Cuba’s home. The island was lovely and colorful with many of the attractions of being an island. Everywhere there was tropical green and colorful flowers.

Canada decided that he would have to make it a habit to travel to islands in the Caribbean much more often.

4. The Ride of the Rohirrim - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Soundtrack

Sometimes France would lay back and dream of some of the magnificent charges his people had made in the past. The others would often forget that Big Brother France had once been quite formidable. He had had warriors and would send his armies across Europe to capture wealth and land for himself.

At the same time, he wondered if that France still existed. Did he truly want to still be on the battlefield? He would lean back, take a sip of his wine and wonder.

5. Remember When It Rained - Josh Groban

It was raining again, and England was once again on his knees in the mud. The situation brought back a terrible memory that made England’s blood run cold. He remembered looking into America’s determined blue eyes as he told him he was no longer his brother, that he wanted nothing to do with him anymore. He remembered the anger that had consumed him as he pointed the musket at the younger man’s face. England remembered staring into America’s shocked face, until the eyes hardened, almost daring him to fire. Just as his people had dared his to fire in Boston many years before that moment. The longer he stared into those clear blue eyes, the eyes that had brought him so much happiness, he realized he couldn’t do it.

“I could never shoot you.” he had said back then.

“Hey England!” America’s chipper voice pulled him out of memory. There was a strong hand outstretched to him. “You need to be more careful old man, these paths can be slippery when they are wet.”

England smiled as he took the offered hand. They may not be brothers anymore, but they could now be friends. They could offer each other their hands.

6. Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) - Big & Rich (Oh gosh...)

“Isn’t this place great?” asked America turning and flashing a huge grin at England. England couldn’t believe his eyes, had America really brought him to a honky-tonk bar? He couldn’t help but be bewildered with the amount of cowboy hats, boots, and gigantic belt buckles around. There was so much activity that it took a moment for England to realize that America had left him behind to go out to the dance floor and join in the western line dance.

England had to admit that he was impressed. As much as America failed at most classical and ballroom dances this style seemed to work for him. He could tell the girls were certainly appreciative of the young nations moves. He could see dozens of them had turned their eyes toward the boy with the cocked cowboy hat and low-slung jeans held up by a belt buckle that was too large. He would have to make sure to save him from the girls.

7. Poor Jack - Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack

What had he done? Germania looked down at the blade in his hand and back at the other nation that he had just killed. He had wanted to do this for decades, and now it was done. He still couldn’t believe that he would never hear the boisterous voice again, never feel the need to smack the other upside the head.

Well, now the world was his and the others remaining to rebuild. Rome was no more, it was now the dawn of Europe, Germania would just have to see what became of it. He was the most powerful now.

8. The Salt Lick - Gaelic Storm

America listened happily, tapping his foot along with the music that the band was playing in the Irish-American pub he had come to for St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday in his country was a cultural festival and he loved it. He loved it when he could see the different things other country’s people had brought with them, mixed around a few times with other cultures and came out as distinctly American. He watched a few young children attempt an Irish step dance, a few men drink a beer that called itself Irish but was actually brewed in the mountain states, and enjoyed the laughs of the audience. He watched the bagpiper who had grown up in Boston, the drummer that had grown up in Savannah, the fiddler that was from Chicago. It was a great melting pot, and America loved it.

9. Hero - Skillet

It had been a difficult moment for America. Would he join in a war because his bosses wanted it, even if his people did not? It was tearing, he had felt this kind of pain before, it was the dull pain that had sat within his heart as the South had resented the North ever since he had separated from England’s power. It had eventually torn him in two, he hoped it would never happen again.

The world needed a hero, was that what he would be? What would they think of him? He decided, he would fight for what was right, he would speak his mind and see if any of the others would listen. Heros should not be afraid of anything, he decided. He would be the hero, he would help his people rise above, they would all do their best.

10. I Can Do Better - Avril Lavigne

He was a waste of time, Romano decided. Spain had been a thorn in his side forever. He had thought that he cared for the idiot, but Spain’s obliviousness had ruined it every time. Of course Spain showed interest after he was over it. He was sick of it, he could do better.

fandom: axis powers hetalia, writing challenge

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