And here I thought that the creepiest part of my day was going to be the guy who was following me down State Street to the El station when I left work. Nope!
I didn't notice it when I got home because I was a popsicle, and just wanted to toss the groceries I'd picked up in the refrigerator and put on some inside pants.
tzikeh got home not long after I did, and asked, "Have you seen my laptop?" I said, "Uh. No?"
Somebody broke in through
tzikeh's bedroom window, grabbed her laptop, her camcorder, and a giant bowl of change. Nothing of mine seems to be missing. I don't think they even went into my bedroom; I keep the door shut, and the door knob is a tricky fucker.
We're fine. The cat's fine. A cop has been here to take a police report. Because it's a "bona fide burglary," techs will be coming to dust for prints, and eventually we'll get Detectives.
I hope your Monday was less interesting than ours.