[chapter 7/11] I don't know how it happened, but it just did

Oct 26, 2010 12:45

Jun dialled Mao’s number. But he was cut off. He tried again but it could not be connected. He wondered what was wrong.

Mao felt bad for not answering his calls. She didn’t know how to face him after that phone call. She didn’t know how to tell him.

Mao walked out of her office building slowly after her work was over. She gasped when she saw Jun’s car waiting for her smugly in front of the building.

She quickened her steps and tried to walk away before he noticed her.

He was sitting in his car, waiting for her. Something was surely wrong with her today. She never avoided answering his calls ever since they knew each other. He saw Mao walking briskly away from his car. She was still trying to avoid him.

He turned his car engine off in a blink and rushed out of his car. Jun saw Mao quickening her pace. He called her name out but she only kept on walking. He started to give chase.

Mao tried to walk as fast as she could on her heels but she came to a stop when she saw Jun standing in front of her. She looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with him. She wanted to run but she knew that there was no way she could escape from Jun.

Jun didn’t do anything, he just stood there, in front of Mao. She waited for him to take action, but it never came. She stepped back slowly, but it was at this moment that Jun grabbed her hands. Mao felt his presence and his touch channelling warmth into her body. She couldn’t avoid him anymore. When his thumb rubbed against her soft fingers, she felt tears welling in her eyes.

“Will you come with me?” Jun’s voice rang in the atmosphere.

Still holding Mao’s hands with a gentle grip, he looked closely at her, waiting for her answer.

Mao slowly looked up at him and she realized that she had no choice anymore. The extent to which Jun could read and understand her made her heart melt. The fact that he did not ask and demand why she had been avoiding him caused her to squeeze his hand tightly as a response to his question.

Hand in hand, he led her back to his car. He didn’t say a word even during the journey. Mao didn’t know where he was taking her but the feeling of his hand resting on top of hers made her feel assured and calm.

Mao stepped out of the car, followed closely by Jun. He held out his hand and she took it. She followed his lead to a big fountain. Against the night sky, the fountain looked beautiful, decorated by colourful lights. The water had a calming effect on her, in addition to Jun’s presence.

Jun wrapped his arm around her waist again, like he always did when they stood next to each other like this. Mao felt herself being pulled closer to him until their bodies touched.

“It’s...beautiful...” Mao said with a muffled voice.

The moment Jun turned to look at Mao, she crushed her body into his, almost knocking him backwards. Jun staggered and tried to retain his balance while his arms encircled themselves around her to support her. Jun felt a tear drop trickling on his shoulder as two hands pressed harder on his back.

“Mao-chan?” Jun asked in the gentlest tone he could muster.

“I want to stay like this for the next few days, can we?”

Jun could feel that Mao was trying to hide the fact that she was sobbing.

“What’s wrong...?”

“I don’t want to be apart from you, even for a few days. When I think about being far away from you, I ...”

Jun hugged Mao tighter, not wanting to let her go yet.

Mao broke down at that very second and poured out everything.

“I need to go to Germany in 3 days’ time, Jun...but...”

“How long?” came Jun’s voice. He was still holding Mao tight and now he was patting her head.

“5 days.”


Mao stepped out of the taxi and walked towards the doors that led to Narita airport. She tried not to think of Jun so much. She didn’t want to meet her clients with a sad expression. She still wondered why she had to fly all the way to a far away country just to discuss business all because her boss had some ‘other’ commitments!

Jun had promised Mao that he would stay with her throughout the three days before she had to leave. Mao thought it was foolish of her to act as if she was leaving forever but she couldn’t help it. Jun didn’t laugh at her even once. He seemingly understood exactly what she felt. Maybe he would feel the same if he was in her position?

Jun stayed by her side for the past three nights, only leaving her side when she was fast asleep. He treated her to dinner, took her out and left his scent on her bed. Mao wanted to bring her bed sheet and blanket to Germany because of his scent but Jun scolded her because he thought it was a stupid idea. Also, because he was the one who helped Mao pack her bag, he was complaining due to the huge amount of things she wanted to bring to Germany.

Jun had told her that he had an appointment and couldn’t see her off today. Mao thought, maybe it was better, to avoid her being emotional in the plane.

When it was time for Mao to board the plane, she saw a familiar figure sitting beside her designated seat.

-end of chap 7-

comments/feedback/opinions are greatly appreciated ^

chapter 8 9 10 11

jun, mao, arashi, fic:junxmao

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