[chapter 8/11] I don't know how it happened, but it just did

Oct 27, 2010 11:24


Chapter 8

It can’t be.


The man turned to look at her. He smiled at her.

Mao quickly sat down beside him and threw her arms around his neck. She was too overjoyed for words. She squeezed him playfully before letting him go.


Jun displayed a killing smile on his face before answering her.

“You said you were going to be lonely, so...”

“But you told me you had an appointment!” Mao was still beaming in delight.

“I did. An appointment with you.” Mao couldn’t take the radiant smile and intense look on Jun’s face as he said that. Her body compelled her to embrace him again at that very moment.

His arms climbed up her back and squeezed her lightly when he heard her say ‘I love you, Jun’.

Both their bodies were glued together for the rest of the long flight to Germany. The feeling of each other made them feel like the flight was only a few hours.

Mao had her arm in between his and her other hand was clutching his biceps as they were her pillow. Her head rested on his shoulder and she felt his head tilting on hers. They were awakened when the pilot announced that they were arriving. Jun lifted his head slowly and forced his sleepy eyes open. He rubbed his left hand on Mao’s body to awaken her. She slowly awoke but seemed to not want to release his arm.

Jun wondered whether his arm was that comfortable.


“Where is your room?” Mao asked as Jun stood next to her in the elevator.

“Number 1089.” Jun leaned against the wall, as if he was posing for some magazine shoot. Why did he have to look so gorgeous everywhere?

When they reached the door of her room, she realized that Jun’s room was just opposite hers.


Jun treated Mao for dinner the next day. (also because she had no idea where to eat or what to order due to the language barrier) She was amazed by his fluency at the German language. Why did he have to be so perfect? When the food arrived, Mao could only stare at Jun cutting his steak so carefully. She observed how elegantly he picked up the piece of meat and forked it into his mouth. Everything he did, it seemed like he had his own unique style that set him apart from the rest.

“Aren’t you going to eat? Is there something wrong with the food?”Jun broke Mao’s trance and caught Mao off guard.

“Err, no, nothing is wrong.” She quickly cut her steak clumsily.

Jun put his fork and knife down and took her fork and knife from her struggling hands to cut her steak properly. Mao was amazed yet again.

“Tha...nk you...”

“Are you not used to being in a different country? You’re really weird today.”

Mao just gobbled her food up with a rather embarrassed expression on her face.

She almost choked on her food when Jun spoke. “Am I really that fascinating?”

“So fascinating that I make you unable to concentrate?” He continued.

Jun chuckled when he saw Mao’s face turn red.

Damn it, why is he able to read all my thoughts, she thought.


Mao walked side by side with Jun on the streets after their dinner.

“Jun, thanks for the dinner.” she squeaked, still embarrassed from what happened.

“Was it delicious?”

“It was very delicious!! I’ve never ate any steak tastier than this!”

He laughed when he saw the happy expression on Mao’s face.


Mao felt Jun wrap his coat around her, and felt his shoulders touch hers. She turned to look at Jun and saw that he was sharing his coat with her. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him, radiating his warmth to her. She put her arm around his waist, and felt her fingers rest in a comfortable position. She felt as if Jun’s jacket was a barrier between the both of them and the world, protecting her from any harm. She turned to look at him again. She only wanted to stare at his face now; that was her greatest wish. She didn’t care that Jun was the kind that didn’t talk much. She liked the silence when they were together because it enabled her to feel more peaceful, and it almost deepened her feelings for Jun when she could enjoy the moments with him, lost in her own thoughts.

Jun found it hard to act like an average person walking on the street when he sensed Mao looking at him, her face just inches away from his. His hand automatically slid up from her shoulders to her neck and pulled her face closer to his so that their lips could meet. It was a short kiss, and the fact he Jun kissed her in public gave Mao a shock. Not that she was complaining, but she almost felt as if everyone else along the street was thin air and didn’t exist. He saw her slighted startled eyes and stared harder into her eyes. “Just ignore everyone around us. We exist in a world where there is only the two of us.” After those words were over, he pulled her for another brief kiss. Mao gave in and accepted Jun’s short but passionate kiss and kissed him back.

Mao felt her heart beat very fast. She couldn’t stop the kyun feeling each time she was with Jun but these were the times that she was the happiest and could feel the calmest.

“I just want to walk with you in my arms, like this, forever...” came Jun’s deep voice.

Mao wrapped her arm tighter around Jun’s waist and so did he.


It was the last day of her stay in Germany. She just finished negotiating with her client in the pub, and she made herself so drunk in order to clench the deal. Mao couldn’t get herself to get up to call a cab; she had her head lying on the table, with her hand holding an empty glass of beer.

Jun got out of the cab and walked into the pub. He saw her. But his vision was clouded by five giant figures. Jun quickened his steps.

“Come on, it won’t hurt, just this time!” One of the figures said in German.

“Wh...” Mao said in Japanese.

“GET.LOST.BASTARDS.” came a very familiar hoarse voice. It was the voice of a pissed off Jun, complete with the angriest glare anyone would have seen in their lives.

The five figures turned around to yell back at Jun but were petrified by his reaction.

“NOW.” Jun said in German, with an extremely firm voice.

They scowled before walking away reluctantly.

Mao only heard Jun saying words that she could not comprehend before her hand was taken and dragged away.

Jun guided Mao into the cab waiting for them, which brought them safely back to the hotel. It was indeed a hard task getting her into the elevator and then into his room when she was half awake couldn’t seem to walk properly. Just as they entered his room, Jun sensed that Mao was sniffing uncomfortably. Oh no. Jun quickly brought her to the bathroom and made her bend over the toilet bowl while hitting her back lightly.

When Mao was done puking, Jun helped her to wash up and wiped her mouth with a towel. It would be his worst nightmare if she had puked anywhere else apart from the bathroom. He ignored her drunken stench and walked her to the bed. But something happened out of his expectations.

Instead of him laying her on the bed, it was him that was pushed onto the bed. She’s still drunk. Jun tried to get up but was obstructed by Mao towering over him. She had her hands holding his neck down on top of the bed sheets. He struggled to breathe while trying to get a drunk Mao off him. Finally, Jun managed to push Mao off him but this time his shoulders were pressed down on the sheets. Jun’s body relaxed and gave in to Mao. She was almost unstoppable when she was drunk, it seemed.  Of course, Jun knew that he could throw her off him if he wanted, but he didn’t entirely want that. So, he let her do whatever she wanted to do to him.

Mao brushed her fingers against his shirt, rubbing the fabric roughly against his skin while moaning something incomprehensible. Jun closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he saw Mao undressing him and was trying to force his shirt off his body. Jun arched his body and allowed her to remove his shirt. Her soft fingers traced his chest muscles, full of lust while her face moved closer to kiss Jun. He kissed her back, although he was aware that Mao wasn’t fully in her senses, but he wanted to see what Mao was capable of when she was drunk. She was really rough and forceful when she was intoxicated.

Jun took full control when Mao reached down to unzip his pants. He pushed Mao down to the bed and gripped her wrists tight so that she couldn’t move. She tried to break free but Jun was too strong for her. Soon, her struggles got weaker and weaker as her body gave up and drifted into dreamland.

Mao awoke with her head spinning. Her eyes popped open and saw Jun lying next to her with a peaceful expression. She was always awed with how adorable Jun looked when he was merely sleeping. Jun’s hands were still gripping her wrists. Why was he gripping her... wait, what was she even doing here on the same bed as him? Was she in... his room? Mao tried to loosen his grip, but that woke Jun up.

“Good morning~” Jun’s sexy morning voice tickled her spines. Even if he yawned as he said it, it still sounded perfect to her.

“Morning...” Mao looked down at her hands and Jun released her slowly.

“Sorry, I had to, in order to prevent you from...”

“What? What did I do last night? Speaking of which... why am I in your room...?”

“Oh?” Jun said playfully,”You don’t remember at all?”

Jun laughed at Mao when her face turned red.

“You drank and drank and drank... and then you had a ton of lust for me and started to strip me apart~”

Mao could only hide her eyes from Jun’s direct teasing eyes looking at her. But... he could be right. She stared at Jun’s bare chest in front of her, and she had her hands grabbing at it. Oh dear. Mao withdrew her hands in embarrassment but Jun pulled her closer to him, forcing her hands to touch the skin of his exposed chest. Not that she hadn’t seen Jun’s naked chest before, but the fact that she might have stripped Jun single-handedly in a drunk state made it hard for her to react towards Jun.

“Just don’t drink so much, next time, okay? I may not have the strength to stop you when the time comes.”

Mao nodded and relaxed in Jun’s embrace. Jun pulled the blankets over the both of them, and Mao felt the most warm and comfortable. Suddenly, her body tensed and got up. Jun looked up at her calmly, his arm still around her waist.

“The flight!” Mao exclaimed.

-end of chapter 8-

Comments/feedback/opinions are really loved <333

chapter 9 10 11

jun, mao, arashi, fic:junxmao

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