[jongin-centric] graduation.

Apr 01, 2014 18:23

rating: g
pairing: mention of kaisoo but mostly jongin centric
wordcount: 1183w
summary: Hogwarts AU graduating Gryffindor Kim Jongin


In just one more day,  Jongin was bound to graduate and leave the castle. He was almost done packing everything for his trip to return home, but then decided to take a stroll  around the school that has been his home for the majority of the last 7 years.

His first stop was the courtyard. He took time to memorize every corner of the small opening, smiling as his mind replayed events that had happened here the past years.  For instance by the one eyed witch statue,  he remembered how Taehyung and him once dug around to search for the legendary tunnel that leads to the candy shop in Hogsmeade but to no avail. They concluded that the school staff must have covered it properly ever since the past generation of Hogwarts students discovered it.

Then there’s that huge tree by the corner of the courtyard who’s leaves served as a perfect umbrella for students who chose to rest beneath them. He remembers how much he liked sitting on one of the big branches of the tree and suprising people who sat below it with his random sentences. Like the ravenclaw named Park Sunyoung. Or I think she was more known by her other name,  Luna.

He sees students running around hugging each other, girls in tears as they talk about what’s next for them after Hogwarts. Jongin can’t be bothered with that at the moment, he just knows he’s going  wherever Sehun goes. They both love dancing more than their life, so he was pretty sure that he’d  agree to wherever it may be.

His next stop was outside of the Hufflepuff basement. His palm automatically meets his face as the image of him and Baekhyun on the ground pops up to the place where they fought  That was stupid of him. So so stupid ; but then again, can you really blame him for attacking Baekhyun like that? Baekhyun was mocking him. Jongin was never good with responsding in any other way than violence whenever it came to that. He tried to distract himself from the event that occurs after that ; him hitting Seolhyun with the sectum sempra spell. The smile on his face faltered at that thought and he retreated away from the place immediately. He didn’t need those kinds of memories right now.

While running aimlessly away from the Hufflepuff basement, he realized his feet had brought him to the music room. He loved it here. When things got rough, he would always, no doubt, come here. The music room was always empty whenever he decided to visit it, except for that one time when he met a Gryffindor named Lay. He remembered how he stopped in awe, jaw dropping slightly as he watched him move around the room flawlessly. And from then on, they became good friends. It was such a pity how he never got to introducing him and Sehun. But Hogwarts was small, he’s pretty sure his best friend and Lay had met each other one way or another.

Jongin stepped further, standing on his usual spot in the middle of the room. He looked up and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. “You actually did it, Kim Jongin” He spoke, his voice deep and solemn. “You actually graduated”

He unseathes his wand from it’s usual spot in his pants before he flicked it into the air, muttering a silent spell that brings a song, with a hip hop beat alive from the speakers. He did his best to do no mistake as he moved to the song with the choreography he made for himself a few years ago. As he does his finishing move, Jongin smirks at his reflection once again. “Just as usual, you’re too perfect”

Time was steadily moving and somehow it was  way too fast for Jongin’s liking. Dusk came and he decided to go back to the Gryffindor tower. The last and the first place he wanted to be at the moment. He had way too much memories just sitting at the couch by the fire place. From paying the smarter kids to do his homework to just sitting there with his cat on his lap as he looks at the kindling fire.

He made his way up the flight of stairs that lead to the male dormitory rooms. He stood in front of his door and sucked in a huge breath before he opened it. He wondered where Kyungsoo was when he saw that no one was inside. For some reason, though, he kind of likes the silence. Just for today.

With a swing of his wand, he watches as his clothes pack themselves neatly into his trunk. It pained him, as his eyes linger around the perimeter of the dorm room he’s spent the last 7 years sleeping in. He remembered how he hated this place initially because Sehun was assigned to a different room. Now look where he is ; he’s feeling so hesitant to leave because this place had grown so much on him.

He moves towards the desk by his bed, smiling at the small scribbles he sees engraved on the wooden structure. Most of which were by him, reminding him of certain events that he shouldn’t miss.  Right where his books were neatly stacked, a note that reads “Fucking close the door so your cat doesn’t get away” is pinned up against the wall. He remembers who wrote it so vividly. Kim Jongdae. Jongin remembers how he had gotten mad at him so many times because he’d return to his room to find that his cat, Kaisoo, had gotten out -- and ofcourse, without hesitation, he blames Kim Jongdae for it. He rips the note from the wall and places it on a blue box. A box that contained pretty much every single thing from his first to seven years in Hogwarts that he thinks is far too precious to throw away.

A creak of the door signaled Jongin that he wasn’t alone and a smile curved at the corner of his lips upon seeing who just entered. “Hi” He greeted, moving towards his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around his waist before he pulled their bodies closer. Kyungsoo replied with a sleepy smile before he brought his head to rest on Jongin’s chest. Jongin knew what was going on inside Kyungsoo’s mind. Every person who once said they hated Hogwarts were all thinking the same thing ; that they don’t want to leave.

But he knew there was more to it to Kyungsoo. Leaving Hogwarts meant no more living together.  Leaving Hogwarts meant no more waking up next to each other. He pulled away and trapped Kyungsoo’s chin in between his fingers before he tipped it up so his head would tilt up. Jongin flashed him a smile before he moved to press their lips together in a soft but long kiss. He hoped it’ll take the worries off Kyungsoo. He hoped it’d remind him of the plans that they made long ago.

Let’s not cry because it’s finished,

Let’s smile because it’s a new beginning.


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