[tiffany/yixing] christmas is that time of the year

Mar 24, 2014 20:50

rating: g for grossly cheesy
pairing: tiffany/yixing
wordcount: 1002w
Summary: Christmas time is indeed the most beautiful time of the year to Tiffany & Yixing.
A/N: This wasn't written by me. but the best person in the whole wide universe yayayay thank you for writing it for me i hope you know i love you so much and my drabble will be next ok ok ok ok ok ok o ko k oko

It was Christmas time. By five o` clock, the sun would be already down, but the beautiful Christmas lights were lit up along with the candle lights in each lamp post.
Rosedale was truly glorious around this time. Even though it was winter, the roses didn’t wither, so flakes of snow would just enhances the rose garden’s beauty.
Around this time, everything was also hectic. Gifts to buy, lovers to meet. It was like never ending, but most enjoyable time of the year.

At the florist, Tiffany was growing red and white roses for the holidays. Usually, males come by and grab a dozen roses for their love ones. It was her businesses time of the year since she was the only one that was able to keep the flowers alive during the winter.

“Tiffany!” Sehun barged into the flower shop. It was the first time he came here to actually buy something rather than bother her.

She gave him a confused face, and he already knew what she meant by it. “I kind of wanted roses. All red,” he grinned widely, hoping that she wouldn’t ask any further.
Tiffany took out her phone and typed out, “I hope it’s Sumin :D”

Sehun was automatically shocked. Did Tiffany talk to Sumin about him? She must’ve for her to even know.

“She talked about me? What did she say? Does she like me? I wanted to ask her out today,” he nervously rambled, but she just smiled and hummed, not giving him an answer.

Her shoulders lifted and Sehun was disappointed. “Fine, I won’t tell you about what Yixing hyung is going to do for- Oops! Let it slipped!” The dramatic boy covered his mouth like a drama queen and raised his brows.

Tiffany showed instant interest. “Wh-wh-wha-at?” she stuttered.

Sehun mocked her by lifting his shoulders as well. He grabbed a bouquet and left Tiffany more gold than it was even worth.
“Merry Christmas, Tiffany!” he shouted.

She thought about chasing after him, but that wouldn’t do much good. Her lips shifted left and right, eagerly curious to what Yixing was doing for Christmas now. Stupid Sehun.

The evening arrived, and Tiffany thought about dropping by the bakery. Perhaps, Yixing was still there. She smiled to herself at the thought.
Tiffany was locking up the florist with a basket of flowers hooked to her arm, hoping to give to Yixing. She was in a fight with herself, thinking whether she should give this all to him. Was it too much?

Turning around, Yixing stood there with a box from his bakery. He was nervously hesitant to approach her, but he already made it this far.
“Oh, Tiffany. What a coincidence,” he said in such a fake tone. He was a terrible liar. Even with his life on the line, he couldn’t. “I was happened to be by, and we live nearby. Uh- m-ma-mayb-maybe, we can walk together?” he asked her.

She laughed, because no one had ever stuttered more than her before. Yixing was glad that he was capable of making her smile like that, and let out a breath in relief.
Tiffany nodded, hoping that she wasn’t acting so desperately.

It was pure, awkward silence, but both of them still enjoyed it. What was odd about this couple was, even without a sound, their company was enough to each one another flutter.

Taking out her phone, Tiffany began typing to say something to him.

“Yixing, I was hoping…”


“Hey, these were extra flowers. Have them!”




“Tiffany, are you okay?” Yixing questioned.

“Y-y-ye-ah,” she gulped, followed by a forced smile.

She thought that maybe saying it was better. It must be better. Who wants to read a confession? It’s better to say it. It’s special. It’s genuine.
“Well, Tiffany…” Yixing started off, but she signaled him to stop.

“Me, f-fi-fi-firs-first,” she spoke up, “Th-the-thes-these f-fl-flo-flowe-flowers a-a-re fo-for yo-yo-you.”

“These are for me?” he pointed at the flowers than back to him.

Yixing was taken by utter surprise. His heart fluttered, and all the warmth of his body rushed towards his face. Yixing had been liking Tiffany for way to long, and to think that she would be the one to give him something felt like it was a whole new world.

The two of them weren’t exactly the adventurous type. Both were quiet, passionate, and reserved, but those were the traits that they liked about each other.
Tiffany shook her head and grabbed a few flowers in her basket and handed it to him, but accidently pricked her hand. These were freshly grown roses that she forgot to detach the thorns.

She was too excited and ruined it all. Her face dropped, and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Her hand was bleeding, but she didn’t even care. She immediately bends down to pick up each rose one by one.

How much she wanted to cry right then.

“Hey don’t,” he kneed down with her and gripped onto her arms. Yixing saw her tears and felt instant heartbreak.

“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay,” he rubbed her arms to comfort her, “Her hand is more important.”

Tiffany shook her head in denial and wanted to continue picking them up, but Yixing held her wrist to prevent her to. He examined her hand and winced at each prick.
Yixing pressed his lips against her hand, healing her before she could hurt herself anymore. She stopped struggling and stared at him. Time was stopping at that very moment. Her tears were glistening with the snow, and her frown was slowly disappearing.

He kissed each and every single one of her pricks away, even if it wasn’t necessary (but she doesn’t have to know that). Yixing reached for the box and opened it.
Inside revealed a well-sculpted cake, with roses of the color pink. She was seeing things?

Her eyes were diverting from the cake to her, back and forward.

“Could you spend Christmas with me?”

pairing: layfany

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