Drabble #2 For: Charm

Mar 05, 2014 13:33

Title:  Counting Stars
Pairing: kaisoo / mention of sekai & baeksoo
Word count: 752w
Summary: when Jongin's feelings change, what happens?
a/n: a quick drabble for sengen35 ♥ this is basically kai's thoughts on a roleplay plot we came up with.

Jongin always believed from the start that he was someone who'd remain loyal to a relationship, but considering what he had been feeling the last few weeks, his thoughts were now a total contradictory.

While he does want to believe he was someone who wouldn't cheat, he knows he can't stay forever in denial of  the fact that what he feels for Sehun wasn't as strong as how it was back when they just started dating.

He was mad. Mad at himself for promising all those things to Sehun when they celebrated their anniversary two months ago. He knows with how things are now, there was no way he'd be able to fulfill any of those.

Jongin was also mad at Kyungsoo. The man that started all of this. Of course, Kyungsoo didn't have the slightest idea of how he makes Jongin feel.

Until yesterday.

He came back to his apartment after the little confession time he and Kyungsoo had by the usual playground they would meet in. As time went on, the said playground in the middle of an intersection where their respective apartments were situated on each end of the opposing street, had grown sentimental to Jongin. That was the mere reason why he had chosen the spot to finally reveal what he has been feeling for Kyungsoo.

Initially, a month ago, He didn't want to go through with confessing. He thought Sehun and him could still make it work ; that this was just a phase and it happens to everybody who were currently in a long term dedicated and loyal relationship. Jongin emphasizes on the word "Dedicated and loyal" a lot, thinking it'd help him go back to being that person he once thought he was.

But Of course he couldn't, because It hurt him every time he sees Kyungsoo with Baekhyun. It hurt him every time he sees Kyungsoo looking at Baekhyun with so much more than how a friend would look at a friend. Even if Kyungsoo denies it most of the time, Jongin knows Kyungsoo loves Baekhyun.

and he hates it because Baekhyun is a fucking douchebag.

The boy with an eyeliner thicker than his soul doesn't know how to value Kyungsoo, and Jongin  is mad because he knows he can do a so much more better job that he ever can. Baekhyun doesn't see how Kyungsoo's face contorts from happiness to pain when he talks about other boys. Jongin swears, they claim to be friends from all the way back, but to him, it seems like Baekhyun doesn't know Kyungsoo one bit.

If it was him..

If it was him who Kyungsoo has feelings for, it would be so much more easier. For both him and Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo wouldn't have to be suffer. Jongin would take care of him as if he's the most fragile thing he had ever touched.

All those thoughts are shattered by the sound of his ring tone blowing up. Reality hits him in a speed of a bullet train when he reads the caller ID. It's Sehun. He picks up, and Sehun sounds more tired than ever from their band schedules. Sehun tells Jongin where he was, what he ate that night and how much he misses him and Jongin could only answer with words ; words that Sehun would want to hear -- but words that are nothing but empty to him.

Jongin felt sorry for Sehun. He knows it wasn't his intention to have Jongin feel neglected just because he had a more packed schedule than he does, and Jongin could tell that Sehun tries his best to make up for every thing that's been lost.

But it's just not there anymore. The feeling.

And no matter how much he wants to forget that he likes Kyungsoo, he knows he's in too deep to even consider that option now. That feeling grew even more stronger when Kyungsoo told him he likes him, too.

And so now, Jongin sits alone in a chair at a living room of a big apartment, scrolling back and forth between Sehun's name and Kyungsoo's name on his mobile phone. Why does it feel so right doing the wrong thing and wrong doing the right thing?

His finger swipes over a name, pressing the green call button and he brings the phone to his ear as he waits for the ringing to stop.

A shy voice that brings a smile on his face makes itself known on the other line. "Hello?"

"I'm coming over, Hyung"

kyungsoo, jongin, pairing: kaisoo, fandom: exo

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